This is Us airs Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. on NBC. Spoilers ahead!
Flip a coin; This is Us is your favorite show.
I know I love it; though, I find it strange I haven’t cried once this season. I really looked forward to my weekly cries.
This week’s episode, “Flip a Coin,” is all about the simple decisions we make every day that could change the course of our lives. At one point, Kevin even says that the power of these decisions is overwhelming.

Nicky’s trailer is falling apart. And because Kevin has all this disposable celebrity money, he offers to buy one for him. Nicky doesn’t want one, but they go anyway. They hook up with Cassidy at a meeting (they got kicked out of the last place), and she goes along.
While this is going on, Kevin finds out his first big acting gig, The Manny, got canceled. It gets him thinking about his first day and how he almost quit acting. But his ability to make a baby laugh changed all of that.

The trailer salesman was starstruck by Kevin and told him how that last scene of the first episode (the baby laughing) made him and his wife cry. His wife shows up, and Kevin couldn’t have been sweeter to her, which softens Cassidy to him.
Nicky didn’t get a new trailer that day. But he does tell them how he came to own his current one. He bought it for a girl named Sally, who he dated before the war. They wanted to drive across the country together. He wrote to her during the war but eventually stopped. After he lost his family, he decided to go for it with Sally, so he showed up at her house. But when she wasn’t home, he gave up… on everything.

Kevin ends up buying his own trailer and parks it right next to Nicky. I guess he’s done with acting.

Kate decides she wants to take her infant son to the best music class in L.A. So, she and Toby pack up the car, as if they’re going on vacation, and take Jack to a music class. The only thing is, he freaks out. Of course, he does! Sudden loud noises to a baby who can’t see don’t sound like the greatest game plan.
They end up taking Jack to the beach. Much better!

It’s Beth’s grand opening of her dance studio. Beth’s mom even made the trip to Philly for the occasion. The only problem is, there’s a dead possum in the wall, and without taking the wall down, they need to wait until it decomposes.
I know… nasty.

Malik also shows up to meet Beth and Randall, which goes pretty well until Malik lets it slip that he’s a teen dad.
The smell is overwhelming, and Mama C “demands” that they delay the opening. As Beth begins to give in, Randall stands up to Mama C, as respectfully as he can. He’s such a superstar!

Randall leads the charge as they move the party outside, and it’s a success! Mama C tells Randall that she never thought Randall was right for Beth, but that she was wrong. He became a strong man.
Maybe Randall will ease up on Malik.
In the flashback
Rebecca is going to visit Randall at school and urges Kate to get out of the house. She even gives her money to get some new C.D.s, since they lost everything in the fire. Kate goes to the record store and meets a boy, then, proceeds to have one of the most emo conversations ever.

At school, Rebecca and Randall run into Beth and her mom Carol in the cafeteria. At one point, Randall gives a lemon to Beth at lunch, which we don’t know yet.
The kids leave, and Rebecca and Carol stay and talk, bonding over the fact that they both recently lost their husbands.
Later, Beth asks Randall why he handed her a lemon, and he said because he remembered from their date that she takes lemon in her soda. She kisses him!
I would have, too!
Back at home, Kate reveals she got a job at the record store. They dance to Carol King and decide they are finally ready to move out of that crummy apartment.
They’re interrupted by a message from Kevin, revealing he got married to Sophie and asking for money!
Dun dun dun!
Just kidding, we already knew they got married, obviously. But I guess we will see how it all went down next week!
Watch This is Us anytime.
Read last week’s recap.