BoJack Horseman has completed its final run, and the world is an especially stressful place right now. Here’s why you should binge the series to distract yourself.
Earlier this year, BoJack Horseman released its final round of episodes, and many fans of the show are still mourning its end. Luckily for us, the show has a high rewatchability factor that many fans will be taking advantage of, especially with a global pandemic on our hands.
For those of you who haven’t seen BoJack Horseman yet, do yourself a favor and invest some time into this magical, charming, witty, and incredible show. Not only is it one of Netflix’s best originals, one of the best adult cartoons, and one of the best shows all around in general, but it’s chockful of lovable, relatable characters, animal puns, guest stars, and hilarious stories.
It’s easy to get into, easy to binge, and it does a great job of distracting you from the rest of the world. If you need more convincing, the following list details five reasons you should give it a shot right now.
5. It pokes fun at celebrities and the Hollywood lifestyle.
It is nice to see a show where Hollywood isn’t treated like a glamorous world where all of your problems suddenly disappear. BoJack Horseman loves to mock celebrity culture and pokes fun at a lot of celebrities throughout the series. It also dives into very real and timely topics in a humorous, but meaningful, way.
The sitcom hardly leaves any stone unturned when it comes to getting into the controversial topics of today, including the #MeToo movement and even issues like abortion and gun control.
But it doesn’t beat you over the head with platitudes or morals, either. The writers craft excellent storylines and dialogue that imbues humor into just about everything.