How to Get Away with Murder season 6, episode 10 recap: We’re Not Getting Away with It

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER - "We're Not Getting Away With It" - Annalise's disappearance is uncovered, and the fallout affects everyone. Following Asher's death, Michaela and Connor are booked on murder charges and forced to make the most difficult decision of their lives. Bonnie reveals a secret about Tegan, and Gabriel becomes a potential murder suspect on the return of "How to Get Away with Murder," THURSDAY, APRIL 2 (10:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Kelsey McNeal) AJA NAOMI KING, ANNE-MARIE JOHNSON
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER - "We're Not Getting Away With It" - Annalise's disappearance is uncovered, and the fallout affects everyone. Following Asher's death, Michaela and Connor are booked on murder charges and forced to make the most difficult decision of their lives. Bonnie reveals a secret about Tegan, and Gabriel becomes a potential murder suspect on the return of "How to Get Away with Murder," THURSDAY, APRIL 2 (10:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Kelsey McNeal) AJA NAOMI KING, ANNE-MARIE JOHNSON

One of the Keating Five is dead, another has returned. We’re in for a bumpy ride in the final half of How to Get Away with Murder.

How to Get Away with Murder left viewers hanging with several questions – who killed Asher Millstone (Matt McGrory)? Why did Tegan Price (Amirah Vann) help Laurel Castillo (Karla Souza) escape with her son? And most importantly, how is Wes Gibbons (Alfred Enoch) still alive? This being How to Get Away with Murder, we get only one of those answers in the series’ return.

In our weekly recaps of the final half of this How to Get Away with Murder, we’re going to discover whether Annalise Keating (Viola Davis), her associates, and the Keating Five finally learn how to get away with murder.

What Happened to Asher?

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER - "Are You the Mole?" - On the eve of graduation, Oliver gifts Connor, Michaela and Asher something unexpected. At the dean's cocktail party, Annalise learns disturbing news. Later, Michaela receives a surprise phone call, and the FBI informant is finally revealed, on the fall finale of "How to Get Away with Murder," THURSDAY, NOV. 21 (10:01-11:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Mitch Haaseth) MATT MCGORRY
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER – “Are You the Mole?” – On the eve of graduation, Oliver gifts Connor, Michaela and Asher something unexpected. At the dean’s cocktail party, Annalise learns disturbing news. Later, Michaela receives a surprise phone call, and the FBI informant is finally revealed, on the fall finale of “How to Get Away with Murder,” THURSDAY, NOV. 21 (10:01-11:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Mitch Haaseth) MATT MCGORRY

We learned that Asher was the FBI mole before the hiatus. He had been secretly recording his friends to collect incriminating evidence that would eventually set Annalise up as the fall person. When his friends found out, Oliver Hampton (Conrad Ricamora) whacked Asher over the head with a poker. The same poker that was eventually found to be the weapon that killed Asher.

But, before Asher was killed, he made a stop at Bonnie Winterbottom’s (Liza Weil) house. His attempts to eke incriminating evidence out of her quickly went south, unfortunately. The problem with Asher is that he’s an earnest guy who is not the greatest liar. Him trying to get information out of his friends was a little too obvious. Bonnie immediately deflected Asher’s accusations and called Frank Delfino (Charlie Weber) to come and pick him up.

Asher left with Frank and tried even harder to get Frank to make an inadvertent confession. Frank’s done a lot of bad stuff, but he’s a smart cookie. Armed with Bonnie’s suspicion that Asher was the mole, Frank did a fantastic job of interrupting Asher at every turn.

After doing a quick search of Asher’s apartment – which yielded no clues to Asher’s FBI affiliations – Frank gave Asher a quick hug and left. So far, it seems none of Annalise’s inner circle killed Asher.

Once alone, Asher replayed the recordings he had, only to discover that they were of no use. Every time he had accused Bonnie or Frank of murder, they deflected by suggesting he was high or concussed. In anger, Asher threw his phone and broke it. So, he had no recordings at all. But there was another option. Asher’s roommate Gabriel Maddox (Rome Flynn) was also working with the FBI, he could have some recordings that Asher could use.

So, did Gabriel kill Asher? We don’t know for sure, but in this episode, Gabriel blatantly lies to the FBI who ask him whether he saw Asher. We are suspicious.

In Hot Water

The cops had arrested Connor Walsh (Jack Falahee) and Michaela Pratt (Aja Naomi King) for the murder of Asher. Neither did the deed, but their fingerprints were on the murder weapon. While stuck in interrogation, Connor has a panic attack – or was it something else? Connor is sure he needs to go to the hospital, but the agents refuse to let him leave.

Connor’s mother Pam (Cynthia Stevenson) reaches the station. She is obviously stressed and angry, and lashes out at Connor’s husband, Oliver, for not doing anything to help Connor. When Frank arrives to take Oli home, Oli snaps and confesses to the crime.

Now, Oli’s in interrogation with Bonnie promising to bail him out while Pam and her ex-husband have arranged a great lawyer for Connor. Meanwhile, Michaela has reached out to her father, Solomon Vick (Ray Campbell) and he’s got an ace lawyer to back her up.

All three of them end up at the bail hearing, but only Oli is set free due to circumstantial evidence. Asher’s sister, Chloe (Kelen Coleman), is at the hearing and demands all three are put away for her brother’s murder. She is taken away as Oli walks free. What about the other two? How do they get out of this situation?

It’s a Deal

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER - "We're Not Getting Away With It" - Annalise's disappearance is uncovered, and the fallout affects everyone. Following Asher's death, Michaela and Connor are booked on murder charges and forced to make the most difficult decision of their lives. Bonnie reveals a secret about Tegan, and Gabriel becomes a potential murder suspect on the return of "How to Get Away with Murder," THURSDAY, APRIL 2 (10:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Kelsey McNeal) JACK FALAHEE, ARYE GROSS
HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER – “We’re Not Getting Away With It” – Annalise’s disappearance is uncovered, and the fallout affects everyone. Following Asher’s death, Michaela and Connor are booked on murder charges and forced to make the most difficult decision of their lives. Bonnie reveals a secret about Tegan, and Gabriel becomes a potential murder suspect on the return of “How to Get Away with Murder,” THURSDAY, APRIL 2 (10:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. (ABC/Kelsey McNeal) JACK FALAHEE, ARYE GROSS

Connor and Michaela’s situation looks bleak. The FBI has a litany of charges against them. Someone, either Asher or Gabriel, or who knows, it could even be Laurel and the resurrected Wes, has given the FBI every single one of their misdeeds – killing Sam Keating, conspiring to kill Emily Sinclair, Ronald Miller, Catherine, and Caleb Hapstall, Rebecca Sutter, and even them colluding to frame Simon Drake. They’re really throwing the book at Connor and Michaela.

But there’s an out for these two. The FBI is willing to give Connor and Michaela immunity as long as they confess to doing all the crimes under the orders of Annalise. They’ll get five years instead of a life sentence and the case won’t go to trial. They have a day to make a decision and walk home. Otherwise, it’s back to prison.

Michaela discusses with her father who recommends taking the deal. He has the influence to reduce Michaela’s sentence and seal her records. When she insists that Annalise is innocent, he suggests that perhaps Annalise isn’t. Michaela then worries that her decision will affect Connor negatively. Her father brings up a good point – Connor is white and from an affluent family. Historically, he’s likely to be treated much better than her.

Next door, Connor is having a similar conversation with Oliver. Oli really wants Connor back and he’s fed up with all the messes that Connor’s been in since joining Annalise Keating’s inner circle. But this decision is harder for Connor. He’s been fatalistic for a while and has often mused that he and his friends should be punished for their crimes. Listening to Oli, Connor’s greatest regret is getting him involved. But it’s not enough for Oli – he wants Connor home, now.

In the end, both Michaela and Connor take the deal with one additional caveat – protection for one extends to the other. Awww, these guys are such amazing friends.

Can’t Annalise Get Some Peace?

Annalise’s disappearance rings alarm bells among the others. They’re worried that she’s the mole, or has sold them out. All Annalise wants is to live her life. Frank checks if Nate Lahey (Billy Brown) knows anything about Annalise, but he doesn’t and he no longer cares.

Bonnie and Frank follow up with Tegan. She helped Laurel escape, but Tegan only knows that Laurel went to Mexico, after that Laurel was in charge. The reason Tegan decided to help Laurel was that Laurel threatened to out Tegan to her father as the woman who sent him to jail. What other choice did she have? Tegan is as surprised, and hurt, about Annalise abandoning her as everyone else.

From all the main characters on How to Get Away with Murder, Annalise is literally the most innocent person. She hasn’t intentionally killed anyone, and all her troubles have come from saving and protecting the people around her. Yet, the authorities are constantly attempting to take her down. Are the showrunners making a point about how Black women are systemically torn down?

This episode echoes an iconic moment from season one of How to Get Away with Murder. Annalise removes her wig and makeup to become her real self. Having escaped as ‘Justine’, Annalise is given instructions for her new life. She appears to be in Mexico.

Annalise is instructed to follow a woman to an unknown destination. After walking for over an hour, she is brought to a shady-looking car. Annalise doesn’t trust these people and decides against entering the car. A bad decision. The cops surround her and arrest her. But how did they find Annalise? While Michaela and Connor were celebrating their release, Solomon Vick gave away Annalise’s location to the FBI. He was supposed to help her, but Solomon sold her out. We’d like to think it’s because he’s doing it for his daughter, but I don’t think so.

Is Annalise’s dream of escape over? Who will save her now that everyone seems to have turned their backs on her? Suffice to say, we’ll be tuning in every week to find out. Join us for these weekly recaps.

What did you think of the How to Get Away with Murder return? Let us know your theories for the end of the show.