Matt digs deeper into Frank’s relationship with his father while Hilde tries to get a lead on a new suspect in the third episode of Home Before Dark.
Episode three of Home Before Dark kicks off with Hilde and her parents visiting Sam at the prison. A quick flashback shows how Matt and Bridget decided it would be a good decision to let Hilde meet with Sam.
Once they arrive, Matt decides he can’t deal with seeing Sam again and walks out, leaving Bridget and Hilde alone. It doesn’t end up mattering since the corrections officer won’t let Hilde see Sam, after all. Sam got sent to solitary for undisclosed reasons.
On the drive home, things are tense between Matt and Bridget. Bridget remarks that Matt is acting as he did before with “Miriam.” You’d think these two would realize Hilde is like a sponge who soaks up any droplets of information she can get. She latches onto the name Miriam.
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However, before Hilde can ask any follow-up questions, the Liskos get pulled over by Frank, who is not playing nice with Matt. He gives him a terse warning to get his plates fixed, or he’ll write him up and slam him with a steep fine. Hilde recognizes Frank as the guy whose been sitting in his car and watching their house at night.
Later, Hilde asks Izzy if she thinks their parents will get divorced. Izzy is asleep before she can answer. Not that asleep, though, since in the middle of the night, Izzy sneaks out to meet Ethan in the woods. He doesn’t show up. Hilde watches her sister go.
When Izzy sees Ethan at school the next day, he tries to apologize for running off in the woods when the wolf ran at them — claiming he has a fear of dogs since he was attacked by a poodle (we later learn a teacup poodle named Baby who sometimes wore sweaters) as a kid. Izzy seems to accept his apology, mostly.
In the library, Hilde contacts Sam with Donny and Spoon by her side. He tells her that he has an idea of who killed Penny, but he can’t tell her over the phone because all of his calls are monitored. Hilde doesn’t get a chance to learn more. The librarian — who turns out to be Kim’s mother — calls the principal down to the library to intervene.
Kim and Hilde have a brief sitdown where Hilde gets Kim to admit she believes in Sam’s innocence. Unfortunately, that doesn’t amount to much at the moment.