Supernatural, and 5 shows with great Groundhog Day episodes
By Louis Skye
3. “Cause and XS” from The Flash
The Flash (Grant Gustin) has to leave the team for a short while on a mission of great importance, having put his daughter from the future, XS/ Nora West-Allen (Jessica Parker Kennedy), in charge of the city in his absence.
While XS is up to the task, when the villainous Cicada goes after her mother, Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton), XS takes matters into her own hands to save her. In the process, she loses a member of Team Flash, forcing XS to travel back in time to save a life.
The only problem? Every change XS makes puts another member of Team Flash in Cicada’s sights. What one thread can XS pull on to ensure no one dies tonight?
Unlike most of the episodes on this list, The Flash’s ‘Cause and XS’ isn’t about a time-loop as such. Though the same day and events are repeated, XS has the agency to go back and forward in time.
The reason why this episode is on this list—apart from the fact that it is amazing—is because the story has a similar direction as the Groundhog Day concept. XS not only has to complete her mission, but she also needs to discover something important about herself.
As a Groundhog Day episode, ‘Cause and XS’ is seriously suspenseful—you can feel the tension building in Nora every time someone new is taken.
What’s fascinating is that Nora’s lesson isn’t just about becoming a better person—she also learns that her time traveling may have serious consequences on the world, and not all of them good ones.
Not the happiest of endings out of the many Groundhog Day episodes but an important one. And besides, how can we complain about an entire episode dedicated to Nora?