In the wake of the tragedy at the Bellweather wedding, all three girls in training at Motherland: Fort Salem are left in heartache, not knowing which way is up and which way is down.
The sixth episode of Motherland: Fort Salem begins in the sand. A man is carrying a woman through to a military outpost. It is a there a woman greets them yelling that they have arrived. Who is this man? Who is he carrying?
But we quickly return to Fort Salem and Abigail. She is having a hard time getting over the attack with the spree. She is trying to play it back in her mind but is having difficulty recalling. Despite her inability to remember, she is trying to push through because of her name.
The other girls are trying to rationalize what happened. Raelle is terrified about what happened to Scylla. Tally is trying to get her mind off of it. This is probably because Tally knows she is spree and does not want to tell Raelle. Will Raelle ever find out?
Back with the mystery man, he is now saying a spell over the girl that he carried in and guess who shows? General Alder! She is telling them that they can stay for as long as they would like. Who are these people, and exactly how important are they?
In the morgue, they are going over all of the victims of the attack. All have had their vocal cords ripped out. Petra is very concerned with what is going on. They are finding that maybe the vocal cords aren’t what they are going after. What is the spree up to? Why are their marks on the victims? Also, all victims happen to be Bellweathers.
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The girls in Fort Salem are now being put through their next round of combat training. How to free fall into combat. Sounds safe. Raelle is the first to try it, and this makes her think about Scylla even more!
General Adler urges Petra to keep their discovery to themselves. But they do say that Abigail must be kept safe at all costs. We agree.
We cut to Raelle, being very upset with Anacostia over the disappearance of Scylla. Should we tell her? Now Tally is trying to help Abigail through her pain, but Abigail wants none of it. Abigail is then called upon by her mother. We know what this will be about.
Petra tells her that she will now be given a bodyguard. She does not want one, and we understand. But, these are different times with the spree.
Abigail is now walking around with her bodyguard, who she may actually end up being friends with.
Raelle is on a mission to find out what happened to Scylla, so she follows some others into the morgue. What will she find? A very strange morphing wall. This can’t be good. Of course, she goes to touch it, and a weird icy hand reaches out.
Izadora “stops” Raelle before she touches it, but we think she might have already. What does this weird wall do?
Abigail is now practicing combat skills with her bodyguard. It finally happened, Abigail broke down. She blames herself, but she can’t do that!
Tally is now talking to Anacostia about what the next steps are in the Scylla spree situation. Tally wants a little guidance on what to do to help Raelle, but Anacostia kind of blows her off. Tally is definitely being distracted by this entire situation. We can’t blame her—girl code.

Raelle is now talking to Izadora, and she tells Raelle that Scylla was killed. NO! We don’t believe it!
Adler is now in the infirmary with Adil and his sister. They are in disagreement. It seems like Adil wants to hold onto his family secrets, but Adler is trying to get them. We don’t know why, but we can assume it is to help against the spree.
Raelle returns to Abigail and Tally to tell them that Scylla is dead. Is Tally going to tell her now? Or let her have this one? Raelle is refusing to believe that she is gone and says that she went to the lighthouse they were planning to go to. Tally and Abigail don’t even know how to begin to go help her.
In the middle of the night, Abigail is having a nightmare and does not want to believe that anything is wrong with her. Abigail is in for a rude awakening when all of this catches up to her.
Raelle’s hand tattoo that she got for Scylla comes through and then disappears again. Could it be? Is she alive?

The next day it happens, Abigail is letting it out. She is finally coming to terms with her feelings, and we are here for it! It is short-lived as she quickly runs away. But runs into Adil to which she is then taken away saying she should not be there.
Tally is rummaging through her drawers and then finds that her salva is empty, and so is Abigail’s. Raelle is now where to be found. She has taken it. Could she be using it to get close to Scylla? Or even worse?
Raelle is now flying over the water. Is she going to the lighthouse? Tally and Abigail want to go after her, but Abigail’s bodyguard won’t let them. Abigail reasons with her and convinces her to let them go.
They get to the lighthouse, but is Raelle even there? They sprint down the beach to a washed-up Raelle. Raelle shows Abigail her hand, but the mark isn’t their anymore. Raelle can’t admit that Scylla is gone, and we get it. But, Raelle has been right this whole time!
Scylla is alive, and the ladies of Fort Salem have her in custody. Adler is about to question her, and this can’t be good.
What happens next? Will Adler get anything out of Scylla? Will Raelle find her? Will the spree come? We can’t wait for next Wednesday at 9/8c on Freeform to see.