Love 101 Season 1, Episode 7 recap: A brawl turns into the final straw for the teens

Love 101 Season 1 - Courtesy of NETFLIX/HUSEYIN BILGI
Love 101 Season 1 - Courtesy of NETFLIX/HUSEYIN BILGI

In the penultimate episode of Love 101’s first season, the teens get involved in a heated brawl that could mean the end of their academic careers.

We’re reaching the end of Season 1 and it kind of seems like things are looking up for everyone, but I’m sure that won’t last. In Episode 7 Love 101, Burcu finally makes a big move, and breaks up with Tuncay, FINALLY.

It turns out he spent all of their money on Osman’s conman friend anyway. Plus, he just sucks.

But sadly, when she turns up at Kemal’s door to make things right and confess her feelings, she discovers the other professor already there. Even though nothing happened between her and Kemal, Burcu gets the wrong impression and leaves.

The teens are doing fantastic for once. They happily eat together, exchanging small smiles and hidden glances. As an adult Isik says, for once they all felt like a real team as if they had finally genuinely formed a bond with one another.

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Unfortunately, this idiot Burak isn’t over the fact he had his pride severely wounded by both Eda and Kerem. He wants revenge. At first, he tries to get a group of guys to gang up on Kerem in the bathroom, but a teacher comes in before any fighting happens.

We cut to a scene of Necdet showing off his fancy new lab, and it feels like something is definitely going to happen in there to wreck everything. And that is EXACTLY what happens.

For some reason, Burak gets it into his head that fighting in the lab is a good idea. I have no idea why. Not to mention the fact he brings along several guys to fight Kerem, which is a totally unfair fight.

Luckily for Kerem, but unluckily for everyone’s reputation and academic careers, Sinan, Eda, Osman, and even Isik intervene and get involved in the fight. It turns into a dangerous all-out brawl with beakers, stools, and chemicals flying everywhere. Suffice to say, Necdet’s lab is obliterated.

As for Burcu, she now has to deal with the fallout of her proposal. None of her family members are taking it well. And she has to field nasty calls from Tuncay’s family, too.

Well, things get even worse for our poor teacher when she arrives at school. Necdet and all the other faculty members are blaming her for the lab incident since she defended the students and allowed them to stay.

That said, Necdet is twisting the narrative to make it sound like it is completely their fault. I don’t know if Burak lied or if Necdet just didn’t care, but right now Burak and his friends don’t seem to be in trouble — although one of them did get sent to the hospital.

Our favorite teens are all okay aside from a few minor cuts and scrapes, but none of them think they’re going to be able to stay at school this time.

A majority vote

Necdet gleefully informs Burcu that he contacted the National Board of Education; they no longer need a unanimous vote, just a majority. Burcu pleads with Kemal to pull the fire alarm so she can postpone the vote. Now it makes sense why she gets along with Eda so well. She has a few tricks of her own up her sleeve.

The fire alarm trick gives Burcu a few moments alone with the teens. She tells them about the new majority vote policy, and they’re disheartened to realize they may have reached the end of the line.

Kemal and Sinan then share a surprisingly sweet scene. Sinan does that thing he does where he makes dead accurate observations about the people around him, including Kemal and his feelings for Burcu.

Love 101
Love 101 Season 1 – Courtesy of NETFLIX/HUSEYIN BILGI

Facing the consequences

The parents don’t take it well, as one would expect. Eda’s parents want to send her abroad to finish her studies in France. Kerem’s father scolds him and then says he’ll pull strings to allow him to stay, but Kerem doesn’t want his help.

Osman’s parental chat is the worst because his dad genuinely cares about him and respects him. But Osman promises to fix things somehow.

As for Isik, her mother drops the hammer, even banning her from going to school for the week. Poor Sinan is left alone at his home with a father who can’t bother making any time for him, and it looks like he’s even taken the painting of the old couple Sinan asked him not to take.

He waits for Isik all day at school, but she doesn’t show up. The only reason he’s doing anything is for Isik at this point, it’s sad she’s not there, and Sinan feels hopeless without her.

Elsewhere, Kerem and Eda are spending time together. They’re happy despite the fact their lives are going to blow up. Kerem finally gives her the gold bracelet. Before they can kiss, Sinan and Osman interrupt their intimate moment.

Eda breaks the news that her parents want to ship her off to France before the meeting, Kerem is understandably devastated. She confesses that she feels like she’s letting them all down. But Osman and Sinan tell her that she might as well save herself, so does Kerem. I get the feeling he’s going to do something stupid if she leaves.

The good news is, now the teens have both Burcu and Kemal on their side. Kemal shows up at Burcu’s house to brainstorm after she throws out her fiancé for the second time. It looks like they might finally be getting back on track.

At least, until Kemal starts going on about how Burcu should just admit defeat and let the kids deal with the consequences of their actions.

Before the episode ends, Sinan shows up at Isik’s to help her get caught up with the lesson. It’s a good enough reason that her mom lets him in, and they sit by each other in her bedroom as Sinan fills her in. For those two, it’s enough to just be near each other, sharing the same space with their hands lightly touching.

It also looks like Eda is having second thoughts, as she stops her parents from sealing the letter to enroll her in a new school at the last second.

Future update

In the future, adult Isik is greeted by an adult Eda! The two share a loving reunion at the old house. So far, she’s the only one to show up. I love that Eda called her a “deranged b***h,” which in this case is girl code for “wow I love you.” They’ve come so far!

Isik talks about how she never had a real friendship after their group. It should be noted that Eda isn’t eating again, so that’s unfortunate. But she does bring Isik a housewarming gift since they’re “saving” the place.

It’s the painting of the old couple! Isik immediately starts sobbing upon seeing it, and Eda hugs her while she cries. Oh man, does that mean Sinan could have died? She did only write three letters, and Sinan’s death has been foreshadowed all season. I sincerely hope not, he deserves to be happy.

Will Sinan be okay? Will the group succeed in splitting up Burcu and her fiancé? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Season 1 of Love 101 is now available to stream on Netflix.