7 Netflix shows canceled way too soon, ranked

Photo: Daybreak Season 1 Image Courtesy Ursula Coyote/Netflix
Photo: Daybreak Season 1 Image Courtesy Ursula Coyote/Netflix
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DAYBREAK — Photo credit: Ursula Coyote/Netflix — Acquired via Netflix Media Center

Here are 7 of the best Netflix shows that, in our opinion, were canceled way too soon.  Yes, this includes Daybreak!

Netflix has a lot of shows. In fact, it’s hard to overstate that. It’s understood that not all of them will be equally successful and some will fail. However, it sometimes seems shows aren’t given the chance they deserve. While that partly comes down to opinion, there’s something to it

In fact, there are some stellar examples of shows getting canceled, then returning to have another solid run. The best example of that is probably Family Guy, which was originally canceled by FOX after 3 seasons but now has over 17 under its belt. As Peter Griffin might say: Holy crap!

Want another example? Okay, look at It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. That was nearly canceled after one season. However, FX believed in the series so much they gave it a lifeline in the form of Danny DeVito. That was not only nice of them but smart! Now It’s Always Sunny is poised to move into it’s 15th season, which will make it the longest-running live-action sitcom in American television history.

Anyway, here are seven shows that Netflix arguably canceled too soon. This will obviously be only a partial list of series that deserve another chance, and they’re arranged in descending order of perceived quality/rebound potential (iffiest first, niftiest last).

7. Norm Macdonald Has a Show

Norm Macdonald’s dry humor isn’t for everyone, which is partly why he didn’t enjoy rip-roaring success with his Netflix talk show. Nevertheless, Norm Macdonald is a respected comedian, and his dry humor and awkward delivery are largely considered part of his charm. Many consider him a “comedian’s comedian.”

The appeal of Norm Macdonald isn’t just that he might be a comic genius (though that is often argued), but that he comes across as an ordinary guy. While he’s known for occasionally saying offensive things over the years, who hasn’t said something potentially offensive, or off-the-rails? Were everyone placed under such a scrutinizing microscope, it seems practically no one would be spared a scathing review.

On that note, Norm seemed to take pains to avoid any overtly political dynamics on his show, which may have made it less interesting. It seems Netflix could possibly bring Norm back, but maybe tweak his show a bit. It’s hard to say exactly what they could do, but it’s obvious that Norm Macdonald still has a potential audience and that, in a way, his show was a victim of (a) sensitive, polarizing times and (b) not being promoted well enough.

That being said, Norm Macdonald Has a Show is not the most exciting talk show, so it is understandable why it didn’t last. However, Norm’s popularity on Youtube is undeniable, which might in itself signify a bad choice to cancel.

6. V Wars

Based on the graphic novels by Jonathan Maberry and starring Ian Somerhalder, Adrian Holmes, and Jacky Lai, V Wars is a show about a viral vampirism outbreak threatening to overtake the human race. Not a bad idea, right? Still, it was canceled after just one season. Why? Presumably low viewership, which is almost hard to believe.

While not very critically acclaimed and probably no one’s perception of a masterpiece, it’s undeniable that lesser shows have had a longer run (including Netflix’s own Hemlock Grove, whose storyline is a muddled mess, even when you kind of know what’s going on).

The story is engaging enough, the acting is decent overall, and it has friggin’ vampires in it. Need we say more? This should’ve been given at least one more season to finalize things.