Judy and Jen meet Steve’s brother, Ben, in Dead to Me Season 2, Episode 2. Jen considers making changes to her will, and Perez turns to Nick for help.
Dead to Me Season 2 continues into its second episode with the grand reveal that Steve has a “semi-identical” twin brother named Ben. Complicating matters more, Ben is in town specifically to find his brother after being contacted by the FBI concerning the money-laundering case against Steve.
As Brian Tallerico of Vulture points out, bringing James Marsden back in a soap-operatic “twin brother” twist might seem a little cheap to some. Marsden is always a great addition and is certainly underrated, but do we really need him back in the picture for Season 2?
I’m interested to see what he brings to Ben and how it might fold more drama into the mix this season. Plus, as Tallerico points out, it gives Judy a chance “to do what she so often does: flirt with danger.”
Judy and Jen start freaking out about how to handle this new development in their growing number of problems. Jen doesn’t want Judy to get involved at all since she tends to make things worse by opening her mouth. Judy, of course, doesn’t listen.
Judy tries to change the narrative
Ignoring Jen’s warning, Judy tries to convince Ben that she once heard Steve say he would escape to Rosarita, Mexico, and change his identity if he ever got in trouble. Ben has no reason not to believe her.
Together, they parse through the debris leftover in Steve’s office after the FBI raid. Ben and Judy share a moment. Is it possible Ben might have feelings for Judy?
He tells her she was too good for his brother. In turn, Judy admits she was the one who turned Steve into the FBI. To his credit, Ben doesn’t fault Judy for her decision.
“He brought it on himself,” he says, referring to his brother’s money-laundering scheme.
Out of all the random items left behind in Steve’s office, the only thing Judy takes is a rock from a trip she and Steve took to the Petrified Forest to celebrate her first pregnancy. Ben knows about Judy’s struggle to conceive and tries to comfort her. I wonder whether it was Judy or Steve who told Ben about their difficulties in the past?