The Woods Season 1, Lies: A ghost from the past comes to haunt Pawel.
In the premiere of Netflix Original The Woods Season 1, we find out that out of the 4 people presumed dead at camp in 1994, only 2 bodies were recovered. Pawel has just discovered that 1 of the 2 presumed dead, Arthur, could have been alive all this time. If this is true, then it could mean that his sister could be alive, as well.
We start with a woman, in 2019, now reading a story of summer camp. This sounds like Laura’s story. She is talking about how she was in love with someone that she calls “P.”
We cut to Laura, in 1994, running out of the woods and back to the camp, where she is met by her father. She does not want to tell him about the screams.
Just like that she closes her laptop because she can’t even think about finishing the story. We see her the next day as a teacher in a lecture hall. She calls another teacher over. She wants to know who wrote the essay she was reading in her class. It sounds very close to her own story! We want to know who wrote it too!
We see Pawel in his office talking to another woman. They are talking about the rape case. She wants him to let the accused men out of jail if Pawel doesn’t have the evidence. We don’t think he is going to take her advice.
Now Pawel is trying to find “the video” that the victim claims to be out there. But they can only find a video of her dancing at the party.

The inspector is back and meets Pawel at the local bar. The inspector is asking him about a hotel and room 33. It is Arthur’s room. They went there to take a look around and found that someone had been there already. They also discover that someone had moved the body to the location they found it. The inspector then tells Pawel that the girl Arthur had been seeing claims it is Arthur.
So, Pawel goes to find her and talk to her. She says she has only been at his hotel once. He then gives her his card. She then leans in and asks if he killed Arthur. It’s almost eery like she knows something.
The Woods Season 1 takes it back to 1994.
We are back in 1994! We see Pawel wake up and begin to look for his sister. He can’t find her. We know from the present time that she has gone missing. He finds someone that says she might be with Daniel. This seems to put Pawel at ease for the moment.
Laura is up and looking at all of her scratches from the night before. People start to gather and are looking for Monika, Arthur, Daniel, and Kamila.
They start to search the woods. Pawel comes across some bloody clothes and a naked body. It is Monika.
The rest of the kids are all brought together into a room. We meet Inspector Lubelski. He is questioning all of the people at camp. So far all they know is that Monika is dead and there are three other missing persons.
Inspector Lubelski gets to Pawel and Pawel tells him about the screams in the woods. He claims it was Monika that screamed because he can feel that Kamila is alive.
Since the event happened on the last night of camp, they are forced to go home with no answers.
Pawel and his mom enter the house where they are met by Pawel’s drunk father. He is already blaming her for what happened to Kamila. Things get violent between them and Pawel is told to go to his room even though he wants to stand up for his mother.
Lubelski is now interrogating the director of the summer camp, David and his daughter Laura. Laura starts to tell Lubelski about how she and Pawel went into the woods. She claims that Pawel followed her back to the camp and that she didn’t see anyone else in the woods.

We are back in 2019 in Laura’s class. She has found out who wrote the paper that sounds like her own story. She calls this student, Sylvia, back into the classroom. Laura calls her out on the story and asks who told her to write it? Sylvia cracks. But it isn’t what Laura thinks. Sylvia’s story is about her own brother.
We go back to Pawel’s house in 1994. His parents are fighting downstairs and he decides to leave on his skateboard. There is a car following him and eventually runs him off the road. Who can it be?
Pawel ends up going to Laura’s. They go somewhere to talk. He says that he has lost everyone. Laura asks him if he knows who killed Monika. She wonders if it is someone they went to camp with.
Adult Pawel is discussing the case he is working with the defense attorney. He wants Pawel to drop charges, but he won’t. The attorney has a photo from a video of the girl’s back that has a tattoo that says “enjoy the ride.” He thinks that this will exonerate his clients. When confronted, s she claims the tattoo is temporary. Pawel pleads for her to tell them all she knows, but she knows no more.
The Woods Season 1: Is it or is it not Arthur?
Pawel is then called back to the morgue. The inspector is bringing Arthur’s parents to identify the body. Will they agree with Pawel? They don’t.
The inspector asks his parents again if they think it is him. They keep disagreeing but Pawel shows up. He tells them to look at his arm. Arthur had a scar on his arm from stitches. They reluctantly look. Arthur’s mom says that the scar is on the wrong side, but Pawel doesn’t think this is true.
We are then back in 1994 and see a man walking in the woods. There is a bloody arm nearby. The arm belongs to Daniel. He is the second one found dead.
In the present day, Pawel visits his old place. He claims he is there to water the plants. But, he is looking for other things. Pawel is going through pictures to prove where Arthur’s scar is. Pawel was correct the scar was on the left arm. At the same time, Laura is searching for Pawel’s name on the internet. She picks up her phone and gives him a call. What do you know? He picks up!
What is she going to say to him? How will Pawel react? Will the inspectors believe Pawel now that he has picture proof? Who killed Arthur now? Who killed Monika and Daniel back then? We want answers and we hope The Woods Season 1 will give them to us!
The Woods Season 1 still has so much to answer! Stream it now on Netflix!