Ursula and 5 Disney villains who deserve their own prequel series

The Little Mermaid - Courtesy of Disney via Image.net
The Little Mermaid - Courtesy of Disney via Image.net
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2. Disney villains: Mother Gothel from Tangled

I wrote Tangled in the headline because I happen to love the film, but a story about Mother Gothel, or Rapunzel’s witchy caretaker, would not necessarily have to be based on that particular film (although it probably would be since that is what most fans are familiar with).

There have already been a few animated series based on Tangled and Gothel has made appearances in Tangled: The Series and even Once Upon a Time. But I’d like to see her story back before Rapunzel came into her life. What made her turn into the woman and villainess we know and love?

1. Disney villains: Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas

Oogie Boogie terrified me as a kid, but he’s really a short-lived villain, although you cannot deny his incredible flair for the dramatics — as many iconic Disney villains are known for having. His song and dance, his creepy bug-filled existence, all of it makes for a creepy antagonist and one that is hard to forget.

He has made appearances in several video games and official Disney Park attractions, yet not so much in other Disney films and projects. Why is that? Maybe because he’s so frightening? But what if Oogie Boogie wasn’t always a weird burlap sack filled with insects?

What if he used to be a man, maybe even a warlock or a demon, something sinister that was eventually warped by his dark practices and magic to become the embodiment of childhood nightmares that we see in Nightmare Before Christmas.

It could be too dark for Disney, although they could make it more of a dark comedy adventure tale, maybe even akin to something like Gravity Falls. I think it could be super interesting to explore where Oogie Boogie may have been created, or how he manifested.

Which Disney villains do you think should get their own show? Do you agree with our list? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.