The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 3: “Ghosts”
Speaking of hostile confrontations, watching Negan and Aaron team-up, if for only one episode, was a joy fans didn’t know they needed.
Over the past couple of seasons, Aaron’s character has changed, as he began taking on more of an assertive, leadership, and fatherly role. That doesn’t mean he has healed from his greatest loss and it absolutely shows as he consistently makes Negan feel as unwelcomed as possible.
At Father Gabriel’s command, the two are forced to work together, with Aaron constantly making the situation difficult for Negan who in turn listens to every order.
At first, Negan let’s Aaron’s rather obvious rage roll off his shoulders, doing as he was told to avoid conflict with his award winning smile but eventually the two go toe to toe with words.
Aaron’s distain for Negan is revealed through tear filled eyes. He basically blames Negan for losing Eric, the love of his life during the war against The Saviors.
When Negan states it was Aaron’s fault Eric died, Aaron’s response hit Negan in the only place it would hurt. Aaron’s comment that Negan failed his wife, unravels a lot in a matter of seconds.
Jeffrey’s ability to switch from the wise cracking Negan to the stern faced version who would swing without hesitating is profound.
Both Jeffrey and Ross Marquand performed spectacularly without skipping a beat.
Negan’s calculated while silent heartbreaking reaction reveals that he is still haunted by his past failure as a husband for Lucille while startling him slightly to see that Aaron knew of his dead wife.
Previously episodes revealed that word about Negan’s past got around fast in Alexandria.
While the two reconcile to an extent later in the episode, it quickly dissolves episodes later when they meet again for the briefest of moments.