Away season 2: Plot details, release date, and more

AWAY (L to R) in episode 101 of AWAY Cr. DIYAH PERA/NETFLIX © 2020
AWAY (L to R) in episode 101 of AWAY Cr. DIYAH PERA/NETFLIX © 2020

Did you finish binging Netflix’s Away? Here’s everything we know about a potential Away season 2 so far.

Away is the new space drama starring Hilary Swank and Josh Charles that released a couple of weeks ago on Netflix. We don’t have am official confirmation of Away season 2, but the series seems to have attracted a sizable audience.

The ending sets up for future seasons and the writers have some ideas already, too.

What would Away season 2 be about?

After and long, life-threatening shuttle trip to Mars, the Atlas crew finally touched down on the red planet in the season finale.

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At times throughout the first season, it didn’t appear like the team was going to make it, and viewers were held captive along with the characters’ earthbound loved ones as they made their final descent.

In the final moments of the season finale, the crew took the photograph of themselves standing on Mars, directly rejecting China’s plan for Lu to pose alone, visor-down. So, if the series returns, the next batch of episodes will revolve around how the crew survives on Mars and conducts their various missions and experiments, like Kwesi and his dream to grow life in the desolate landscape.

Among some of the other plot threads to explore in season 2 include the potential romantic complications between Emma and Ram. In an exclusive interview with Entertainment Tonight, Away boss Jessica Goldberg teased the possibility of “emotional space sex.” It’s an entanglement that would be complicated, considering Emma is married.

But being so far from home for three years is a long time and the sparks are certainly there. Goldberg didn’t say exactly who the intimacy would be between, should it happen, but no other pairing in the crew would fit right now. That said, it could also happen in a dream sequence and not necessarily in real life.

Matt also recently became aware of Melissa’s burgeoning romantic feelings toward him, so there is plenty of complex emotions to go around in space and at home.

When would Away Season 2 premiere?

The ongoing pandemic makes it difficult to predict when Away season 2 would premiere. Another complication is Swank, who is a notable film star. Her schedule could lead to delays as could the show’s sizable budget which is evident in the care and precision dedicated to designing the Atlas and space itself.

All of that means it could be well over a year before we get a second season. For now, I’m optimistically guessing winter 2021 or maybe early 2022, should it earn a renewal.

Do you want Away season 2 to happen? What would you like to see next season? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

All ten episodes of Away season 1 are now streaming on Netflix.