4. Shows like Bridgerton: North and South
North and South only has one four-episode season but it absolutely packs a lot into that season. It deals with tensions between the upper and lower classes in England (much like Bridgerton). It has an epic love story (much like Bridgerton). While you’re waiting for Bridgerton Season 2, you might want to invest in a Britbox subscription (which can be added to Amazon Prime Video), because North and South definitely checks all the necessary boxes.
Upper and lower class tension? Check. Epic love story? Check. Gorgeous costumes? Check. Intriguing plot? Check. We won’t give away the ending, but we will say that there is a pretty epic kiss included in this show.
North and South follows Margaret Hale (Daniela Denby-Ashe) as she and her family move to the north of England from the south. Her father Richard (Tim Pigott-Smith), who used to be a clergyman but resigned which led to the move, makes a living by tutoring. One of his pupils is the rather abrasive local mill owner John Thornton (Richard Armitage). Margaret doesn’t like Mr. Thornton at first, especially after she sees him beating a worker who he caught smoking in his mill, but they begin to get used to each other.
And yes, they end up falling in love. The plot takes several twists and turns and you’ll be rooting for Margaret and John throughout it all. So sit back, relax, and get ready to travel back in time with North and South.
3. Shows like Bridgerton: The Borgias
This show doesn’t take place in England, though there are many other Bridgerton similarities. Though there is not exactly a love story to root for, this show allows you to witness the lives of the upper-class Borgia family, living in 15th century Italy. The patriarch of the family Rodrigo Borgia (Jeremy Irons) manages to become Pope Alexander VI. He quickly becomes more powerful, as do his children Cesare (François Arnaud) and Lucrezia (Holliday Grainger).
While you wait for Bridgerton Season 2, it wouldn’t hurt to watch The Borgias, which is also on Netflix. If you’re a fan of the steamier moments in Bridgerton, don’t worry, there’s plenty of those moments here. More than you would think in a story about a man who becomes the head of the Catholic Church.
In fact, the Borgias get up to a lot that would probably make even our Duke and Duchess from Bridgerton blush. Including two of them falling in love with each other. Yes, you read that right. Cesare and Lucrezia are probably the main love story–we warned you you wouldn’t root for it–in the show, though both have other love interests as well.
And the show is concluded, though it does end somewhat suddenly and surprisingly. However, the ending sort of makes sense for this scandalous show. If you want intrigue, you’ve certainly got it here. The twists and turns of the plot will keep you interested, much as they did in Bridgerton.
So get ready to meet The Borgias.