The Bridge and Tunnel Season 1 finale ends with Jimmy finally saying goodbyes to his hometown as he embarks on his next epic journey to Alaska for a dream job. But do Jimmy and Jill end on good terms? “Swan Song” highlights the fundamental challenges that the couple has been grappling with all season long.
Since the first episode, Jill and Jimmy seemed to struggle to get on the same page. While Jimmy is 100% all-in on their relationship, to the point where he’s hearing wedding bells, Jill isn’t sure she wants to tie herself down to the one guy she’s been with her entire life. The world is big and vast, she wants a chance to explore it.
In “Swan Song,” Jill and Jimmy are supposed to enjoy their last week together before Jimmy leaves at her dad’s lake house with all of their friends around. It sounds like the perfect send-off for Jimmy ahead of his next months in Alaska.
Unfortunately, plans change at the last minute when Jimmy’s soon-to-be boss calls to inform him that the trip has been moved up a full week. Suddenly, it’s Jimmy’s last night in town and he’s expected at the airport bright and early the next morning.
Bridge and Tunnel Season 1 finale: So, do Jimmy and Jill stay together?
Yes and no. As anyone who has kept up with the show from the first episode likely anticipated, Jimmy was willing to throw away his job to stay and town with Jill. His idea isn’t completely unfounded. Over the past few episodes, Jimmy has started experimenting with a different photography style, one that could lead him to a high-profile fashion photography career in New York.
Even his dad is supportive of the potential career change, although he also offers Jimmy some sage advice. He can’t stay in his safety bubble forever. Real artists take risks. Jimmy ultimately chooses to go to Alaska, but not before he and Jill share one last heartbreaking scene together. Jill is still sure she doesn’t want to immediately settle down with Jimmy.
But who knows? Maybe when he returns in six months, she’ll feel different. She visits him the morning before he leaves for a final kiss. But Jimmy refuses to say “goodbye,” he never wants to say goodbye to Jill. If the series returns for a second season, it’ll be interesting to see how these two get along when he comes back.

Bridge and Tunnel Season 1 finale: Do Mikey and Tammy get together?
After the fallout between Tammy and Stacey last week, it was hard to imagine that Stacey would ever come around to Mikey and Tammy starting a relationship. That changes in the season finale as Stacey calls Tammy to give her blessing on their fledgling relationship. By the end of the episode, the two are finally giving their new romance a chance.
Bridge and Tunnel Season 1 finale: What will Pags do next?
Pags finally tells Julianna the truth about not getting accepted to the law school at Columbia. Despite his fears that she would think he was a loser, that’s not the case. Julianna is supportive of Pags and their new relationship seems to have gotten off on the right foot. As for Pags, he decides that he’s going to help manage his sister’s band — because it turns out, they’re pretty dang good.
What did you think of the Bridge and Tunnel Season 1 finale? Do you hope the series returns for another season? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
You can watch Bridge and Tunnel Season 1 right now on Epix.