All American Season 3, Episode 11 Recap: The Bigger Picture

All American -- "The Bigger Picture" -- Image Number: ALA311a_0542r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Daniel Ezra as Spencer, Karimah Westbrook as Grace and Jalyn Hall as Dillon -- Photo: Erik Voake/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved
All American -- "The Bigger Picture" -- Image Number: ALA311a_0542r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Daniel Ezra as Spencer, Karimah Westbrook as Grace and Jalyn Hall as Dillon -- Photo: Erik Voake/The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

In the previous episode of All American, the Baker family is forced to rally around Jordan as he gets hit with a terrifying blow on the field. Will his football career be over?

Spencer is at a solo practice. Billy asked a recruiter from Texas to come and watch him. Spencer talks to him after and makes a good impression.

At the Baker house, Olivia is trying to convince Jordan to go outside, but he is tied to the TV, playing video games. He has been cleared for some physical activity but doesn’t want to move. Jordan has not heard from Simone since the hospital. Laura told Simone’s parents about the marriage and is now trying to get his marriage immediately annulled.

Coop and Layla are studying for Coop’s GED in Beverly. Layla is upset that she didn’t realize Olivia was relapsing.

All American Season 3 Episode 11: Will Spencer get the scholarship? 

Dillon is talking to a girl named Jasmine about comic books when Grace comes over. We quickly find out that Jasmine’s dad is Principal Carter.

Spencer talks about the recruiter to his friends when they see on social media that the recruiter has also visited Cameron.

Olivia is getting coffee with her new sponsor, Joy. Olivia is going to meet up with Kia for the vigil of Tamika Pratt. Spencer walks past the coffee shop and asks Olivia about Jordan. Olivia tells him that he doesn’t want guests.

Just then, JJ and Asher show up at the Baker house. They want Jordan to go to the field, but Jordan digs into JJ. JJ fights back and takes his gaming system away. They are bringing it to the field.

Coop is studying in Crenshaw, and Preach to sit with her. Coop wants to pay Preach to tutor her. He agrees.

Mo is on TV talking about Tamika’s case. Olivia walks into the Baker house and asks Laura about the case. Laura says that she can not talk about it.

All American
All American — “The Bigger Picture” — Image Number: ALA311b_0045r.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Samantha Logan as Olivia and Monet Mazur as Laura — Photo: Erik Voake/The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Principal Carter and Grace are talking in the hallway about his daughter Jasmine. Carter tells Grace that Jasmine’s mother had passed away in the previous year. Grace gives him some advice on navigating the single-parent waters.

Spencer sits down with the TNT recruit. Texas wants him because he got shot. They want him because they can sell him as a “bad boy.”

Spencer walks away from the conversation and goes to the vigil. Kia introduces Olivia to Mo. Mo seems interested that Olivia is Laura’s daughter.

Tamika’s cousin makes a beautiful speech, and then Coop gets up to speak. Olivia begins comparing her journey to sobriety with Tamika’s life and gets upset. Spencer tries to console her.

Billy is talking to the Texas recruiter. Billy thought that they were trying to change their image with Spencer, but he was mistaken.

Grace goes to pick up Dillon again and runs into Principal Carter. Carter is starting to grow on Grace.

All American Season 3 Episode 11: Will Spencer throw the offer away?

Jordan shows up at Spencer’s house. Billy is on his way out. Jordan asks about Spencer dealt with the news that he might not ever be able to play again. Spencer tells him to take it day by day. His conversation with Spencer makes him realize that he owes someone an apology.

Layla meets back up with Coop. Coop is working on something for Spencer. She wants to do one last thing for him.

Spencer and the team have been called in for late-night practice. Billy is going to teach them about financial literacy. He wants them to be prepared for offers that come their way.

Grace and Dillon are playing checkers when someone knocks on the door. It is principal Carter. He has brought her flowers to thank her for all of her help.

Leaving financial literacy class, Spencer gets a video message from Coop. It is a video of young Spencer stating his dream. Will this be what Spencer needs to make a choice?

Olivia walks into her mother’s office. She demands the videos of Tamika’s case be put out, but Laura can’t do it.

Billy, Spencer, and the Texas recruiting agent meet up. Spencer tells him that he will go to Texas if they want him as he is. Will Texas accept?

Layla shows up in Olivia’s room. She gives her the Wonder Woman back.

Olivia takes this opportunity to go into her mother’s laptop to get the Tamika Pratt video. What is she going to do with it?

She posted it.

What did you think of tonight’s episode? Leave a comment below.

Catch the next episode of All American on Monday, May 17, on The CW.