Batwoman Season 2, Episode 12 recap: A phoneix from the ashes

Batwoman -- “Initiate Self-Destruct” -- Image Number: BWN212fg_0023r -- Pictured (L-R): Javicia Leslie as Batwoman -- Photo: The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Batwoman -- “Initiate Self-Destruct” -- Image Number: BWN212fg_0023r -- Pictured (L-R): Javicia Leslie as Batwoman -- Photo: The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

In Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12, “Initiate Self-Destruct,” an unlikely team-up reveals hidden emotions in both heroes and villains.

This CW show has been teasing the return of Kate Kane for a while now. And she’s back, in the form of Wallis Day, taking on the role from Ruby Rose. Her trajectory this season isn’t going to be easy. Can’t our former Gotham hero catch a break?

Meanwhile, ever since Russell Tavaroff got Batwoman’s blood from her last fight with Black Mask, he’s been like a dog with a bone. If he gets the results, Ryan Wilder’s career as Batwoman will be over.

So far, Jacob Kane’s managed to keep his addiction hidden from Sophie, the Crows, and Mary. But will this secret come to the surface soon? When Mary shows him her new and improved clinic—this time certified by the municipality—he can barely wait to get back to his “medicine.”

Will Mary notice something is off about her father? That won’t be the only problem for Team Batwoman this episode though.

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12 – Scent of a Bat

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12
Batwoman — “Initiate Self-Destruct” — Image Number: BWN212fg_0063r — Pictured (L-R): Meagan Tandy as Sophie Moore and Jesse Hutch as Agent Russell Tavaroff — Photo: The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Sophie spends all of Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12 trying to stall Tavaroff, who is so desperate to catch Batwoman, he’ll let other crimes sit in storage. Gotham’s priorities really are a mess.

Worse, Jacob Kane has signed off on this investigation. Is Kane’s addiction driving him to act this way? Or is he still hung up on the fact that the Batsuit used to be his daughter’s?

The immediate problem is that Kane will listen to no reason about this investigation. So, Sophie has to do what she can to protect Batwoman’s identity. Sophie tells Batwoman about the situation, without revealing that she knows Ryan is Batwoman already.

No matter what Sophie does to get the sample of Batwoman’s blood, she fails. This is gold to the Crows. They’re letting nobody near it. Sophie’s working with both hands tied behind her back here.

Luke sends Mary to give Sophie a device that will scramble the data on the blood. But for that, Sophie needs access to Jacob’s computer. Mary is here to act as a distraction for her dad.

But there’s a problem—the files are all encrypted. Luke’s device will corrupt files related to actual criminals. Sophie can’t go through with the plan. She erases Ryan’s profile from the database in the nick of time. Tavaroff is annoyed but at least Batwoman is safe. For now.

One last thing—Sophie needs to scrub her digital footprints from Jacob’s system. And that’s when she finds the Snakebite Jacob’s been using. This was always going to happen.

Sophie asks Mary if she’s noticed anything odd about Jacob. Mary is a great doctor, but she doesn’t always think clearly when it comes to family. But Sophie insists Mary speak to Jacob.

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12 – Strange Bedfellows

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12
Batwoman — “Initiate Self-Destruct” — Image Number: BWN212fg_0053r — Pictured (L-R): Javicia Leslie as Batwoman and Rachel Skarsten as Alice — Photo: The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Following their rendezvous, Alice and Ocean are accosted by the False-Face Gang in Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12. Not exactly the morning after they were planning on.

Batwoman has more important things to worry about—Luke and Mary have a lead on Angelique’s location and nothing’s stopping her from getting there. But Alice is already there, looking for Ocean. Another unlikely team-up in the works?

Angelique and Ocean are in danger—Black Mask is desperate for that Snakebite formula. Batwoman and Alice need to work fast. Easier said than done when you’re Alice.

When it comes to team players, Alice is not one of them. She gets the job done but she loves living dangerously. Batwoman is going to need all the patience to get through this mission and save Angelique.

Alice keeps bothering Batwoman about her need to save Angelique. But the truth is Alice wants Ocean back too. Batwoman figures it out in no time.

Unfortunately, Alice joins the long line of people who isn’t sure Angelique is worth fighting this hard for. Batwoman isn’t the only one psychoanalyzing here—Alice figures out that Batwoman feels guilty about Angelique being left behind in their group home. So, is this really love?

Whatever it is, Batwoman doesn’t forget, nor does she forgive. Alice killed Ryan’s mom and as helpful as Alice is in this rescue, Batwoman can’t forget that. She cuffs Alice to a pole and heads off to finish the mission solo. And Batwoman also plans to tell Ocean what kind of person Alice really is.

That doesn’t work out. When Ocean gets shot, Angelique tries to calm Ocean by telling him he’s going to see the girl he keeps talking about. Batwoman can’t go through with telling him the truth about Alice. She’s got a big heart.

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12 – Batwoman v Batwoman

Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12
Batwoman — “Initiate Self-Destruct” — Image Number: BWN212fg_0010r — Pictured (L-R): Peter Outerbrdige as Roman Sionis — Photo: The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Kate Kane is back in Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12. Well, not exactly. She’s not Kate Kane anymore. At Black Mask’s command, Enigma makes Kate forget herself, imagining herself to be Roman Sionis’ long-dead daughter, Circe.

“Circe” is made to wear a mask, according to her dad, because she was in a fire during her escape from Arkham. It’s a plausible story and “Circe” buys it. But will Kate manage to defeat Enigma’s brainwashing?

And Black Mask wastes no time in deploying his newest weapon. Circe goes in search of Batwoman, and Alice points her in the direction of Gotham’s red knight. How sad that Alice didn’t recognize her own twin.

Batwoman frees Angelique and Ocean but Circe arrives soon after. Batwoman is strong but Circe is stronger. It takes both Batwoman and Alice to fight her. But Alice is soon down for the count. And Batwoman refuses to help her.

Even though Alice invokes Ryan’s mom, Batwoman doesn’t care. She’s going to get her revenge finally. Without a second’s thought, Batwoman leaves Alice to Circe’s tender mercies. Is Alice fated to die at her sister’s hand after all?

Interestingly, Circe brings Alice to Black Mask. And he has plans for her. That doesn’t sound good.

At least Ryan and Angelique are reunited, but not the way Ryan would have wanted. Angelique is being sent into witness protection and she wants Ryan to join her.

A year ago, maybe this could have been a possibility. But now? Ryan has too much to give this city to leave. Is this the end of the great love story that was Angelique and Ryan?

Final Thoughts – Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12 has brilliant character moments

After a short hiatus, Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12 was a thrilling return. I’m excited about Kate Kane’s new journey. I hope she isn’t Circe for too long. I would love a reunion between the sisters.

Sophie hasn’t yet revealed how she protected Batwoman’s identity. Will she fess up to knowing Ryan is Batwoman? Or is she going to use that against Team-Batwoman? Sophie and Ryan have been butting heads for years. This is information Ryan wouldn’t want Sophie to have.

What is Ryan going to be like now without Angelique? They were each other’s greatest strengths and weaknesses but Ryan has more to live and fight for now. Will she get a new romantic interest? I just want good things for our hero.

More pressingly, something needs to be done about Jacob Kane. Roman Sionis knew exactly what he was doing by introducing Jacob to Snakebite and we might be seeing the fruits of that plan soon. Mary needs to confront her dad and help him out of this mess.

It seems the Safiyah and Coryana storyline is well and truly concluded. Ocean is the last remaining part of that story. I do wish we’d got more of Safiyah. She was a fascinating villain. Black Mask is interesting but only as far as his plans for Kate and Alice.

There’s so much happening this season and it’s going to be great watching it all unfold. Can next week come to us faster?

What did you think of the Batwoman Season 2 Episode 12? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Batwoman Season 2 is airing weekly on The CW.