Death and Nightingales is a 2018 miniseries that originally premiered on BBC Two and RTÉ One in the Republic of Ireland. Starz has picked up the rights to the international series and tonight, Death and Nightingales Season 1 premieres on the network!
Based on the modern Irish classic written by Eugene McCabe, Death and Nightingales is a story of love, betrayal, deception and revenge, set in the haunting countryside of 1885 Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. This undivided province of the British Empire is a world of spies and double dealing.
Set over a desperately tense 24-hour period, Beth Winters spends her 23rd birthday with the charming Liam Ward as they escape from her limited life and difficult Protestant stepfather.
When does Death and Nightingales Season 1, Episode 1 release?
Death and Nightingales Season 1, Episode 1 premieres tomorrow night, May 16, at 10:00 p.m. EST on Starz. The episodes run for about an hour. Starz usually releases their episodes early via their app, at 12:01 a.m. EST. So if you prefer, you might be able to watch late tonight.
Where can you watch Death and Nightingales Season 1, Episode 1?
You can watch the Death and Nightingales premiere on cable television if you are subscribed to Starz, or you can watch via live stream television services like YouTube TV, Hulu, Sling TV and more. The episode will also be available to purchase from digital retailers like iTunes and Amazon Prime Video.
What is happening in Death and Nightingales Season 1, Episode 1?
The first episode of Death and Nightingales is written and directed by Allan Cubitt and focuses on introducing the main characters, mainly Beth Winters (Skelly). Throughout her adolescence, Beth was caught between warring parents. Her Catholic mother married her Protestant stepfather Bill Winters (Rhys) when she was already pregnant by an unknown Catholic man.
The story begins on Beth’s 23rd birthday as Beth plans to escape the claustrophobic grip of her closed community and her stepfather. Her mother has long since been dead and Beth is captivated by the charming, mysterious Liam Ward (Dornan). But as the time ticks closer for Beth to leave, will she be able to go through with it?
New episodes of Death and Nightingales Season 1 air Sunday nights on Starz.