In the previous episode of Motherland: Fort Salem, Tally realized that she might still be connected to Alder. How long will this last? What will she find out about the past?
Raelle and Abigail are practicing their magic and haven’t been able to recreate their bond from the Season 1 finale.
Alder wants to suspend the tests in order to begin war college. Although, when the girls leave she asks Izadora to help her find another way.
Alder is shown the head of the man that the girls killed with their powers. He seems to have grown mushrooms all over his body.
Motherland: Fort Salem Season 2, Episode 2: What can the girls do?
The girls are hanging out in the cafeteria eating breakfast. Raelle wants the girls to be able to figure out their powers. Tally hasn’t gotten any more dreams.
There are rumors flying around Fort Salem that say the only reason these three witches got into war college is that Abigail’s mother pulled strings.
Scylla and Willa are in a new home. Scylla is seeing what Willa is talking about. They think someone bigger is pulling the strings with these gatherings and memorials.
Scylla has infiltrated and made a few friends that she thinks will lead them to the bigger picture.
The girls have started war college and have been given their coven and their coven leader.
Izadora is working on the head and the eyes open and someone starts to speak. The coven leader is talking to Raelle at the same time. Raelle’s voice is coming out of the head.
In the girl’s coven is a guy named Gregorio that Abigail knows. He also knew Libba.
The whole coven is called to talk to Alder. She is talking to them about the Camarillo and how she wants them gone.

Motherland: Fort Salem Season 2, Episode 2: How does Alder plan on getting rid of the Camarilla?
Izadora is starting to open up the head. Inside, they realize it is the screen that Raelle had touched in Season 1. It is connecting her with others.
Scylla is starting her undercover mission at the mall. This is the location of the Spree attack that she actually started. A man, named Shane, starts to speak on the podium. He is telling everyone that the Spree needs to pay.
Another woman comes to the podium and tells her story about how her parents died in the Spree killing. It’s Anacostia. She is here for Scylla.
Scylla goes up to Anacostia after she is done. Anacostia tells Scylla that she knows she feels remorse. She also knows that Scylla is trying to get to the bottom of what is happening at the mall and wants in.
Scylla introduces her to her new rally friends and Anacostia says that they should all grab a drink together.
Tally runs into Penelope Silver. She is upset on the phone. Seems like she and her father are not getting along. Penelope is called to class and Tally goes up to Alder.
Tally wants to tutor Penelope to get her ready for basic training.
Alder enters a meeting. Khalida is there. She wants to know where she and Adil can settle. Alder wants them to remain in Fort Salem, but Khalida wants them to move to a new location.
Adil and Abigail are in the garden. Adil tells Abigail that Khalida wants them to move. Abigail changes the subject and brings up Gregorio. Gregorio and Adil are becoming friends. Abigail hopes this new friendship will make Adil stay.
Tally is asleep and falls into another dream with Alder. She is talking to another witch that came up with rare magic to help Alder.
Just then bells go off and Tally wakes up.
The girls go to their next class. They are being taught to resist torture. This is magic that they are not allowed to use but must practice resisting.
The girls end up following the magic and are put into a “trap.” They have to get out. There are many clocks that start going off. The coven has to try to stop the sounds.
Tally has a sense and starts to follow a track out of the attic.
Anacostia and Scylla are out drinking with Shane and his wife. The wife goes to the restroom and the husband excuses himself to talk to another man. The other man hands Shane a lot of money.
Tally has the coven run into another room filled with baby dolls. Four large baby dolls attack them. The coven is able to fight them off, but Tally realizes that there is one more doll. It grabs Raelle.
Tally is able to find the source of the noise and the exercise ends. Tally tells her teacher that she could see the sound. The teacher is intrigued but Tally notices that Abigail and Raelle are still missing.
They have been put into cells by Izadora. Izadora is torturing them for ruining her research. Or is this still part of the test?
Motherland: Fort Salem Season 2, Episode 2: Did Izadora really capture Raelle and Abigail?
Izadora didn’t really take them. It was part of the test. The girls had to believe that they were in real danger in order for their powers to take over.
Izadora tells Alder that Raelle is the only one with the power and that it protects her.
The girls are at dinner and Raelle is angry that they got taken. Abigail is upset that this gift has nothing to do with her and decides to go to bed.
As Abigail goes to bed, she runs into Khalida. Khalida says that Adil can stay while she looks for a place for their people.
Scylla goes back to Willa to tell her about the night.
Tally brings Penelope into a museum of sorts. Tally is giving Penelope a history of witches. Penelope mentions that Vice President Silver doesn’t trust Alder.
As they are walking, Tally sees a photo and realizes that there is something wrong with it. As she looks closer, Tally sees the woman with the special magic from her dream. Someone is trying to hide her.
Who is this woman in the photo? Why is Tally dreaming about her? Leave your thoughts below!
You can watch Motherland: Fort Salem every Tuesday at 10 est on Freeform.