Watch Heels Season 1, Episode 3 tonight: August 29, 2021

Alexander Ludwig, Kelli Berglund in Heels Season 1, Episode 3 - Courtesy of Quantrell Colbert/Starz
Alexander Ludwig, Kelli Berglund in Heels Season 1, Episode 3 - Courtesy of Quantrell Colbert/Starz

A new episode of Heels Season 1 airs tonight on STARZ. At 9:00 p.m. ET/PT, you’ll be able to watch Heels Season 1, Episode 3, “Cheap Heat.” You can also watch the episode right now via the STARZ app or on demand if you have access, as STARZ likes to release new episodes at midnight the night before. Keep reading for all the details you need to know about “Cheap Heat,” including the plot synopsis!

Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the first two episodes of Heels.

In last week’s episode, Jack and Crystal had to go on a mission to save Ace from himself after his humiliation in the ring resulted in a breakdown. From a bar brawl to drunken escapades, it was a rough night for everyone involved.

Heels is available now on STARZ through Amazon Video Channels, subscribe today.

By the end of the hour, everyone reunited to celebrate the birth of Big Jim’s new baby. But Jack had to coax a reluctant Ace to show his face in the hospital room. Jack ultimately agreed to loosen the reigns a little bit and let Ace have more of a say in his storyline from here on out. We’ll see if it lasts. On the flipside, Crystal gets to show off an awesome finishing move, and Staci takes control of the house to take care of things that Jack has let lapse.

What is Heels Season 1, Episode 3 about?

We have the official synopsis from STARZ, so here is what’s happening in Heels Season 1, Episode 3:

"In an attempt to drum up more heat, Jack enlists the help of wrestling veteran, Ricky Rabies, setting Ace up with a full house for his comeback match against Bobby Pin. While Jack tries to make amends with his brother, Ace struggles with the fact that his career as a Face might truly be over."

Professional wrestler CM Punk guest stars in this episode as Ricky Rabies with actress Bonnie Sommerville playing his valet.

How to watch Heels Season 1, Episode 3 tonight

Date: August 29, 2021
Airtime: 9:00 p.m. ET
Episode: Season 1, Episode 3, “Cheap Heat”
Channel: STARZ

Are you looking forward to Heels Season 1? Do you think that Ace will turn heel? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

New episodes of Heels air Sunday nights on STARZ. The first three episodes are now streaming on the app.