In the previous episode of Only Murders in the Building, Mabel had found jewelry hidden in Tim Kono’s apartment. Will she tell Oliver and Charles or keep this a secret?
This episode begins in 2005. Oliver is pitching a musical idea that has a pool involved. No one is on board with his idea. He is also there with his wife.
By the end of the night, he manages to get the others on board with his named “Splash.”
Oliver must not have been successful, as he has little to no money left. What is he going to do?
Only Murders in the Building Episode 3: Can they narrow down the suspects?
We cut to the present day. Mabel is drawing a mural in her Aunt’s apartment. Charles and Oliver are recording episode 3 of the podcast.
Ursula shows up at the door. She has more on Tim Kono. She also tells Oliver that he only has 24 hours to pay Bunny.
Charles texts Mabel to meet the two of them to talk about all of the neighbors. He mentions that he saw someone going up the stairs the night of the fire alarm.
We cut to a dream sequence of Oliver’s. It is an audition sequence with all of the residents. He is “auditioning” them for the role of the killer.
He realizes that Howard, the cat dad, is his main suspect.
We go back to reality. Oliver tells Charles and Mabel that he thinks the main suspect is Howard. They all agree to talk to him. Charles and Mabel go while Oliver goes to talk to one of his producer friends, Teddy.
As Charles and Mabel go up in the elevator, another woman gets on. She plays the bassoon. Charles starts to talk to her. This woman’s name is Jan.
Oliver tells Teddy about the podcast. Teddy owns the deli, and Oliver asks him to sponsor the podcast for $32,000.
Mabel and Charles sit down with Howard. Mabel brings up Tim Kono. Howard tells them that he heard Tim got fired for losing a client a lot of money.
Charles gets a nose bleed mid-conversation, and Howard passes out from the blood. Which also tells them that he is not the murderer.
Howard thinks that Tim poisoned the cat and then killed himself. This is clearly not true.

Only Murders in the Building Episode 3: If Howard isn’t the killer, who is it?
Charles does not think the fainting rules Howard out. He thinks that he is acting. Charles and Mabel get on separate elevators.
Oliver is on the elevator that Charles gets into with his broadway show poster. He wants to sell it. It is from his show “Splash,” which was his biggest flop.
At the end of their conversation, Oliver says that he will pay for some podcast equipment. Will this help out Oliver’s cause?
Mabel goes to the maintenance office. Oscar’s father is the superintendent. She asks for Oscar, but he tells her to stay away from him.
Oliver gets into the elevator and runs into Sting. He does not like Oliver’s dog. Oliver then goes back to Teddy’s and gets him to sponsor the podcast.
Mabel is going through Tim’s things. She finds a note that says to meet someone at a certain time.
The trio is back together. Oliver tells them that the first episode has dropped. Mabel and Charles are worried that this wasn’t the right move.
We go back to Oliver’s audition sequence. When Oliver goes back to his apartment, a note taped to the door threatening him to end the podcast.
Someone has poisoned his dog. Sting didn’t like the dog. Could the murderer be Sting?
What do you think? Could Sting be involved, or do you still think it could be Howard? Leave a comment below.
You can catch a new episode of Only Murders in the Building every Tuesday on Hulu.