In the previous episode of Only Murders in the Building, we find out that Mabel may know Tim better than we thought? Is she connected to his murder?
Mabel is watching Charle’s old detective show, Brazzos, and drawing a picture of Tim. She has on the engagement ring but takes it off.
Mabel then realizes that the day before, when Charles was talking about his life, that he was really quoting Brazzos.
They all seem to be hiding something, but will it hinder their investigation?
Only Murders in the Building Season 1, Episode 2: Will they figure out who Tim Kono is?
Oliver is having Charles record the second episode of their podcast. Oliver has written what they know about Tim, but it is simply stating the obvious.
Mabel comes in, and Charles says that the murder must be in the building because there had been no one in or out of the building around the time of the murder.
Mabel tells them that there is nothing on the internet about Tim. They decide that they need to find someone in the building that must have known Tim.
We cut to a flashback of Mabel talking to Tim about something that happened years ago. Apparently, someone named Oscar is getting out of jail. Mabel tells Tim that he can make things right, but Tim wants no part of it.
This is when they decided to part ways and never talk to each other again.
We go back to the present time, and Mabel shows them that there will be a memorial for Tim in the lobby in ten minutes.
Of course, they go.
The person running the memorial is Bunny. She mentions that the body is being flown to Japan and asks if anyone wants to share a story about him.
The trio realizes that there is a man hysterically crying, so Oliver starts to record him. His cat has died. People are more upset over that than over Tim.
Oliver mentions that they should talk to Ursula, the building manager.
Bunny pulls Oliver aside and reminds him that he needs to pay his bills or the board will have to take action.

The Only Murders in the Building Season 1, Episode 2: How did Tim and Mabel meet?
Mabel goes back to her room and is thinking about Tim. She pulls out her laptop and begins recording the story of herself and Tim.
We go back to when they were kids. They met around the fountain in front of the building. She shows him The Hardy Boys book series, and together they reenact it. She talks about how they met Zoe and Oscar later on. They would go through other people’s apartments.
Oliver and Charles go to Ursula. She pulls out her files of complaints against Tim. They also find out that they are going to empty Tim’s apartment the following day.
The two men rush to Mabel and get her to go to Tim’s apartment.
They don’t see any pictures with a girlfriend. Mabel notices that he still has The Hardy Boys Books.
We go back in time again. We see Tim, Oscar, Mabel, and Zoe taking the picture that was on her computer. They go to a party.
Oscar ends up cheating on Zoe, and they run out. Tim says that that he saw someone hurt Zoe, but he says it wasn’t Oscar.
In the present day, the trio realizes that the cat also died in Tim’s apartment that night. They grab a bag of Tim’s things and go back to Charles’ apartment.
We go back again. Mabel is asking Tim to tell the police what she knows.
In the present, Mabel goes back to Tim’s apartment. She is talking to “Tim.” She says that she is trying to figure out if what happened to him is related to what happened years ago.
She goes back to The Hardy Boy Books. She pulls one out and finds that rings and jewelry are hidden in each other. In the last one she pulls out, she finds a drawing.
She takes all of the books and jewelry back to her apartment and finishes her video. She labels it “in case I’m next.”
Does she think she is really next? Will she tell Charles and Oliver about the books? What do you think? Leave a comment below!
You can watch new episodes of Only Murders in the Building every Tuesday on Hulu.