Truth Be Told Season 2, Episode 5, “If I Didn’t Laugh, You’d Cry,” picks up immediately after the previous episode with Poppy in the hospital after being knocked unconscious by Hoyt Rollins. Poppy believes that she saw Hoyt assaulting Micah, and then he snuck up behind her and hit her, resulting in a concussion and several stitches.
The problem is that Poppy didn’t actually see Hoyt since he came from behind. No one is sure whether to believe her or Micah about the version of events. Micah first insists that she was asleep and didn’t even know what happened until she heard Poppy scream. She claims Poppy must have slipped and fallen on the deck, hitting her head on the way down.
But once Poppy starts to come to, she calls Inspector Aames to let him know what happened. While he’s not sure if it’s true, he believes her more than anyone else does and presses further into his investigation into Holt. As a result, he finds out that Hoyt has tons of research going back decades on Micah, and he has several photographs of Poppy, too.
He has been surveilling her for a while. With Aames’s assistance, Poppy also learns that Micah has been lying to her about a lot. He warns her that she’s dangerous and is now a suspect in all three murders (Joshua’s, Drew’s and Ramon’s).
Truth Be Told Season 2, Episode 5 recap: Micah and Hoyt’s relationship
It doesn’t take long to discover that Micah has been lying about her relationship with Hoyt Rollins all along. She attempts to gaslight Poppy into thinking she’s crazy, even manipulating Shreve into believing that something is wrong with Poppy due to the challenging year she’s had. But the research doesn’t lie.
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Our freaky dollhouse-maker Hoyt has had a relationship with Micah for a long time now. She even paid for his house. Toward the end of the episode, Hoyt reconnects with an old friend of his named Rose. It remains to be seen what kind of relationship they have.
Truth Be Told Season 2, Episode 5 recap: Who is Miss Shirley?
Poppy mentions to Markus that Micah “saved her life” once when they were children. We don’t find out how yet, but it directly correlates to a woman from Poppy’s past named Miss Shirley. The episode implies that Miss Shirley was abusing Poppy, to the point she was too traumatized to speak for six whole months. Poppy met Micah while she was living with Miss Shirley, and they became fast friends. But who is this mysterious woman? What happened between her and Poppy?
Truth Be Told Season 2, Episode 5 recap: The disintegration of Micah and Poppy’s friendship
Once Poppy finds out that Micah has been lying about Holt and tried gaslighting Poppy regarding her injury, things turn ugly between them. In their final scene together, they all but openly declare war on each other. Poppy promises to destroy Micah.
Not only is the Hoyt thing a problem, but Poppy even accuses Micah of having Ramon and Joshua killed. Micah doesn’t deny the Ramon accusation, but she is offended that Poppy would believe she had something to do with Joshua’s murder. Micah also hints that Poppy’s hands aren’t entirely clean either, alluding to whatever happened between her and Miss Shirley all those years ago.
New episodes of Truth Be Told Season 2 stream Fridays on Apple TV+.