9-1-1 Season 5, Episode 4 recap: Home and Away

ByAriba Bhuvad|
9-1-1: L-R: kenneth Choi, Ryan Guzman, Peter Krause, Aisha Hinds and Oliver Stark in the season premiere of 9-1-1 airing Monday, Sep. 20 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2021 FOX MEDIA LLC. CR: Jack Zeman /FOX.
9-1-1: L-R: kenneth Choi, Ryan Guzman, Peter Krause, Aisha Hinds and Oliver Stark in the season premiere of 9-1-1 airing Monday, Sep. 20 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2021 FOX MEDIA LLC. CR: Jack Zeman /FOX.

9-1-1 Season 5 just took a ridiculously emotional turn after last night’s episode. In the wake of Maddie (Jennifer Love Hewitt) randomly leaving because she doesn’t feel like she’s a good mother, Chimney (Kenneth Choi) decided to go after her.

Over the course of the episode, Chimney begins falling apart and driving himself crazy trying to figure out where Maddie has gone. What he doesn’t know is that Buck (Oliver Stark) knows everything, including what happened with Jee-Yun. When he finds that out, it’s a very heartbreaking revelation and some phenomenal acting by Choi.

But while Buck understands that Maddie needs time to herself, Chimney is overcome with guilt because he hasn’t been around as much lately. He blames himself for what happened, and that’s basically the gist of the episode this week.

So, without further ado, let’s get right into the recap of this week’s episode of 9-1-1 Season 5!

9-1-1 Season 5, Episode 4 recap: Searching for Maddie

Not knowing about what happened with Jee-Yun, Chimney is beside himself trying to figure out why Maddie left him and their baby. He watches the video she left behind over and over again, analyzing it for any clues he thinks Maddie left behind.

Chimney even starts thinking that Doug might still be alive, and perhaps he is the one that is doing all of this and threatening Maddie’s life. I think he might have Doug have confused with Michael Myers, but I understand, he’s under a lot of stress.

Things take a turn when Chimney gets a letter from the insurance company about Jee-Yun’s visit to the hospital’s emergency room. Maddie didn’t tell him anything about it but it was the night that made her feel like a horrible mother. Chimney goes to the emergency room to track down the doctor that helped Maddie and Jee-Yun that night. She hesitates to say anything at first but Chimney breaks down and lets go of all of the emotions he’s been bottling up.

Things get worse when Chimney finds out Buck has known all along about Maddie leaving, what happened with Jee-Yun, and where she might be. He even punches Buck square in the face out of complete anger, and I can’t say I blame him at all.

The episode closes out with Chimney leaving with Jee-Yun to go off and find Maddie. I’m not sure if he’s coming back or what is going to happen, but I know I couldn’t stop sobbing as he drove off into the distance.

9-1-1 Season 5, Episode 4 recap: Hen’s big mistake

Elsewhere in the episode there is absolute chaos as one man’s failing brakes cause him to crash right into a parade, resulting in the death of one of the cheerleaders. Back at the hospital, Eddie (Ryan Guzman) and Hen (Aisha Hinds) realize that they told the wrong parents their daughter died. The girl that died kept repeating a name, and it turned out it wasn’t hers, but her friends.

Hen had to reveal this to the actual parents and it was absolutely gut-wrenching to watch. Usually, secondary characters aren’t that important in the show, but this time around, it really got to me.

9-1-1 Season 5, Episode 4 recap: Athena and Harry

After being kidnapped, Harry (Marcanthonee Reis) is put into therapy by Athena (Angela Bassett) and Michael (Rockmond Dunbar). It’s not going as well as they would hope, and how could it? The kid got taken from his own home right in front of his father, and no one noticed.

But it’s not all gloom and doom for dear ‘ol Harry because his big sister, May (Corinne Massiah) is there to talk him through it. She had a rough time at work thanks to an old employee Claudette Collins (Vanessa Estelle Williams) returning to work in place of Maddie. She seems nice enough, but with May, she’s all kinds of horrible and condescending. It’s almost as if she doesn’t want May to succeed, and is bullying her from the moment she gets in.

Meanwhile, Athena is reeling from Harry’s kidnapping as well and spends most of the episode scrubbing every inch of the house. She doesn’t want any reminder of the guy who broke in and took her son, and as a result, we got an amazing performance by Bassett. Seriously, this woman can act like nobody’s business!

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More tough times are ahead on 9-1-1 Season 4!

What did you think of this week’s episode? Tell us in the comments below!