Gilmore Girls is without a doubt one of the coziest shows ever made. There’s something about Stars Hollow that’s instantly captivating, transporting you from your screen to the charming small town. Gilmore Girls is famous for the way it captures seasons — so much so that the revival’s four episodes each revolve around a different one. Gilmore Girls fall episodes, however, are completely unmatched.
Though the show expertly showcases each season throughout different points in the show, when we think Gilmore Girls, our minds immediately go to fall thanks to the plethora of great autumn content the show gave us throughout its seven seasons and revival miniseries.
As the weather gets chillier, the days get shorter, and the leaves start turning, here are the eight best episodes to get yourself in the fall spirit.
Best Gilmore Girls fall episodes: season 1 episode 7: Kiss and Tell
What’s it about: A truly quintessential episode of Gilmore Girls, this episode includes Rory’s (Alexis Bledel) first kiss with Dean (Jared Padalecki) (and subsequent accidental shoplifting) and a famous Gilmore movie night, complete with Willy Wonka, copious amount of junk food, and the bag boy.
Why it’s among the best Gilmore Girls fall episodes: So many reasons! The episode starts with Rory and Lorelai (Lauren Graham) walking among pumpkins and Miss Patty (Liz Torres) rehearsing a fall-themed dance. There’s also a classic Luke (Scott Patterson) and Taylor (Michael Winters) argument about whether Luke will put up fall decorations and a scene where Lane (Keiko Agena) and Rory are dressed as pilgrims working a canned food drive.