Yellowjackets, which premiered on Showtime earlier this month, has taken the world by storm. Its unique mix of coming-of-age drama and survival narrative, combined with truly terrifying horror elements, has captivated audiences. The show centers on a high school girls’ soccer team that finds themselves fighting for their lives after their plane crashes. The combination of excellent writing and perfect casting truly elevates it to the next level. One member of the ensemble is Ella Purnell, who plays Jackie. Read on to learn where you might have seen Purnell before.
Ella Purnell plays Jackie
Charismatic and popular, Jackie is the team captain of the soccer team who tries to be a leader whenever things go south. She forces the team to make up after a huge argument at a party and advises everyone to conserve food after the plane crashes. She is particularly close with Shauna, who is her best friend — and maybe more.
Jackie is, notably, one of the only characters we’ve been introduced to that we haven’t seen the adult version of. Is it possible Jackie didn’t make it out of the woods at all?
Ella Purnell has appeared in several popular movies
Purnell has made appearances in quite a few large films, including Maleficent, where she played the teen version of Angelina Jolie and her titular role. Purnell also appeared in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children opposite Eva Greene and Asa Butterfield, Kick-Ass 2, and critically acclaimed indie drama Wildlike.
Ella Purnell has starred in several TV shows
In addition to her film credits, Purnell has starred in a few television projects as well, including Starz’s Sweetbitter, where she played the lead role, and the historical drama Belgravia. She has also done several voice acting projects, including Star Trek: Prodigy and Arcane.
What’s your favorite Ella Purnell role? Comment below!