This week on 4400 season 1, Claudette starts a new job and remembers her past. Meanwhile, Shanice and Andre discover a new power, Keisha and Jessica’s relationship issues reach a breaking point, and LaDonna struggles to figure out her future.
Read on to learn what happened in 4400 season 1 episode 7, “Empowered Women Empower Women.”
4400 season 1 episode 7 recap: What was Claudette’s life like before the time travel?
Claudette is living her best life in the apartment Jharrel gave her, even making a photography darkroom so she can document historic sites. Not only that, but Jhareel has managed to hook her up with a barback position as well.
Claudette loves going to work but must deal with a lazy, hateful coworker who harasses her even more when he finds out she’s part of the 4400. She laments to Mrs. Grover that she feels like nothing has changed — people still consider her less than human.
Instead of sitting around being sad, though, she decides to do something about it, having a ton of the 4400 come into the bar. Her coworker calls them all freaks, causing the owner to fire him and promote Claudette to bartender in his place. Jharrel gives her a framed $1 bill to celebrate, and their hands touch on the glass when she pours him a drink. The episode ends with the two of them kissing.
Claudette’s thoughts and actions make even more sense in the context of her past. She used to be married to a preacher and activist who supported sit-ins and nonviolent ways of protest. Claudette, on the other hand, believed measures needed to be more drastic than simply taking photos and staying silent. Unfortunately, her husband did not approve of her speaking up and trying to lead due to her being a woman. He was often rough and intimidating and was taking her to a place to learn subservience again when the green light struck.

4400 season 1 episode 7 recap: Will Shanice and Andre continue to get closer?
Shanice is still angry at Andre for allowing Mariah to be a getaway driver during their Ypsi Med plan but softens when she realizes Andre is ill. Things get even more complicated when Andre falls from his weakened state, tripping into a guard and accidentally hurting him much like Mildred hurt the man in the previous episode.
He tells Shanice what happened, noting that his illness is getting better after he hurt the guard. Could he be able to transfer feelings to another person? They test this theory with Claudette, and it seems to be the case.
Andre apologizes to Shanice for putting Mariah in jeopardy, and she quickly accepts his apology as well as apologizing for saying Logan’s name in her sleep. Andre tells her he cares about her deeply but is trying to be casual as not to scare her away. Shanice says she doesn’t want to share Andre either, and the two get intimate.
4400 season 1 episode 7 recap: What’s going on with Isaiah and the new contract?

Isaiah’s plan to make the hotel a church seems to be working out well — so well, in fact, that it makes Keisha suspicious. She confides in Shanice, who reads over the contract people have to sign in order to stay at the hotel. They realize it’s essentially an agreement for government conservatorship that would allow the authorities to control much of the 4400’s lives. They don’t understand why Isaiah would be encouraging people to sign it.
Keisha and Jessica also disagree on whether the 4400 are dangerous. Jessica mentions their bloodwork shows they’re not even human, and Keisha gets upset she didn’t tell her anything about the bloodwork before now. Jessica gets irritated that she feels like she can’t depend on Keisha, and Keisha says nothing. Angry that Keisha doesn’t seem to be fighting for their relationship, Jessica breaks up with her.
Soraya uses this as her chance to make her move, flirting with Keisha. The two end up going back to the hotel room and kissing, though Soraya says she doesn’t do the rebound thing — this needs to be real.
4400 season 1 episode 7 recap: Will LaDonna leave the 4400?

Speaking of Soraya, LaDonna enlists her help to build a computer from scratch so she can safely look into the Yspi Med files without being tracked. Soraya agrees to help, and while they’re working together, LaDonna admits she’s nervous about her future. Her mother wants her to get back into the reality TV game, but she’d rather live with her dad — the only person who truly understands her. Unfortunately, she has no way of contacting him after her mother made him look like a villain on the show.
Soraya encourages LaDonna to keep in touch with the 4400 since they’re her true friends and have been trauma bonded together, but LaDonna forces herself not to think about that. It’s clear she’s torn, as she desperately wants to go to a girls’ night Claudette is planning. However, things get more complicated when her dad calls her out of the blue.
The end of the episode sees LaDonna leaving a video for Andre on the new computer she built with instructions on how to access the files. She says a tearful goodbye, explaining that she’s gone off to live with her family again.
What did you think of the episode? Comment your thoughts below!