Let’s face it: there is a lot of television out there. From traditional network series to cable to the plethora of streaming services that seem to grow each day, it’s hard to keep track of every great new program out there. 4400, however, should definitely be on your list.
If the name of the show sounds familiar, that might be because it’s a reboot of The 4400, a CBS show that started airing in 2004. The new series, which premiered this October on the CW, keeps many of the same elements that had people falling in love with the original but adds some twists, making it even more relevant for the current times.
The show just had its mid-season finale, making this the perfect time to catch up on the first eight episodes before the second half of the season premieres this fall. Read on to discover four reasons why this show is one you don’t want to miss.
Reason to watch 4400: The mystery

You can’t have a good sci-fi without an intriguing central mystery, and 4400 has suspense and secrets in spades. There is, of course, the bigger overarching mystery of: why did these people disappear? How did they travel in time? And where did their powers come from?
But there are also several smaller, just as puzzling threads we’re trying to wrap our heads around. For example: what happened to one of the caseworkers, Jharrel’s, little brother? And what are the governments’ motives for the various publicity strategies they employ?
There are many questions constantly being asked and built upon, but one thing is for sure: 4400 keeps us wanting more every week.
Reason to watch 4400: The humor

Though the show can be dark and does deal with serious issues, there is so much humor to balance it out. After all, a main part of the plot revolves around people from all different backgrounds and time periods coming together in the present day. Having a World War I-era doctor and 2010s influencer try to communicate and work together is hilarious — especially when there’s slang involved.
Reason to watch 4400 The relationships

In the words of Stefon from Saturday Night Live, this show really has everything. In addition to drama, mystery, and humor, it also gives us so many relationships to root for. The theme of finding allies and people you can trust in the most unexpected places and circumstances shines through.
This isn’t only true of the romances, either (though there are plenty of those!). The themes of friendship and chosen family are also crucial to the show’s fabric, and it’s so refreshing heartwarming to see how very different people can be brought together by love and understanding.
Reason to watch 4400: The representation

One of the most incredible things about 4400 is the representation, as this show gives people who haven’t historically been given a chance to shine their time in the spotlight. From several Black leads to a disabled character, a plethora of powerful women to many LGBTQ+ people, there is unprecedented diversity.
Not only that, but each one of these characters and their experiences feels authentic, layered, and real. It’s clear the writers truly took care to make all of the characters feel multi-dimensional. They are much more than just their characteristics, tokens, or stereotypes — rather, they all feel like fully fleshed-out people.
The show sends the message that there’s beauty in our differences and that it’s an empowering thing to embrace who you are fully and without apology. Not only will 4400 teach you about others, but it will likely teach you a little something about yourself, too.
Have you seen 4400 yet? If so, what’s your favorite part of the series? Comment below!