4400 season 1 episode 8 recap: Will Logan and Shanice get back together?

4400 -- “The Kaminski Experiment” -- Image Number: FFH108fg_0018r -- Pictured (L-R): Cory Jeacoma as Logan and Brittany Adebumola as Shanice -- Photo: The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
4400 -- “The Kaminski Experiment” -- Image Number: FFH108fg_0018r -- Pictured (L-R): Cory Jeacoma as Logan and Brittany Adebumola as Shanice -- Photo: The CW -- © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

This week on 4400 season 1, we get more insight into what Logan’s life was like when Shanice disappeared. Meanwhile, an event exposing the 4400 to the public has disastrous results, and Jharrel and Andre bond over romantic troubles.

Read on to learn what happened in 4400 season 1 episode 8, “The Kaminski Experiment.”

4400 season 1 episode 8 recap: Will Logan give his relationship with Shanice another chance?

Hayden is adjusting well with Logan, Bridget, and Mariah, even planning to go to Niagra Falls with the family. There’s just one little problem: Logan wants to have Shanice sign the permission slip to take Mariah out of school. This worries Bridget, as she doesn’t want him to fall back into the dark place he was in when Shanice was gone now that she’s back in his life. It took a lot of time and help from Mrs. Grover to convince him it was okay to move on in the first place.

Though Shanice is happy to be consulted when Logan gives her the permission slip to sign, it clearly triggers something in him. He goes to a support group, where Keisha is also there talking about missing her sister and how she’s still acting out by sleeping with coworkers right after a breakup. (Ouch! Good thing Soraya wasn’t there to hear that.)

4400 season 1
4400 — “The Kaminski Experiment” — Image Number: FFH108fg_0007r — Pictured: Cory Jeacoma as Logan — Photo: The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Despite going there for support, the group quickly turns on him when they realize Shanice is part of the 4400 — some think it’s a hoax; others are jealous of his loved one coming back. Keisha, however, comforts him and encourages him to take part in an event where the 4400 will be introduced to the public. Their blended family could be good publicity, and there’s clearly still love for Shanice in his heart.

Logan goes to tell Shanice that he’ll take part in the interview, admitting that part of him never recovered once she left and that he was jealous of seeing her with Andre. Shanice asks him if he wants to give their relationship a second chance, but he tells her he needs closure — a clean break and to move on. When Shanice reaches for him, she sees all of the painful memories he experienced when she was gone and how much he hurt. Logan still takes part in the interview, but it’s about Hayden’s positive impact on his life, and Shanice isn’t part of it.

4400 season 1
4400 — “The Kaminski Experiment” — Image Number: FFH108a_0166r — Pictured (L-R): AMARR as Hayden, Sophia Echendu as Mariah, Clare Cooney as Bridget and Cory Jeacoma as Logan — Photo: SandyMorris/The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

4400 season 1 episode 8 recap: What is the government planning for the powers?

Now knowing about the conservatorship hidden in the contract, Shanice confronts Isaiah. Isaiah, however, is defensive, saying Bill kept his word about the good conditions for the group. Shanice, on the other hand, isn’t buying it — she knows that they are aware the 4400 have powers and are planning on ways to exploit them.

Her suspicions are seemingly confirmed when they see a man with fire powers show up at the event. The fire man tells Shanice that he showed the government what he could do, and they set him free. She and Jharrel think they’re trying to make something catastrophic happen to trigger the conservatorship.

4400 season 1
4400 — “The Kaminski Experiment” — Image Number: FFH108a_0091r — Pictured (L-R): Ashley Bryant as Gladys Keller and Derrick A. King as Rev. Johnston — Photo: SandyMorris/The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Isaiah sees the light, refusing to lose his temper at a reporter’s prying questions and telling Shanice she was right about the contract. No matter what, though, he vows not to let anyone hurt the 4400.

Unfortunately, the plan to keep calm doesn’t reach Mildred, who storms into Bill’s office. Still angry and trying to find her sister, she uses her powers to throw him out a window. She only stops when Isaiah pulls her away — she’s not able to use her powers on him for some reason. He tells her to run, and Mildred flees to safety.

4400 season 1
4400 — “The Kaminski Experiment” — Image Number: FFH108fg_0021r — Pictured: Autumn Best as Mildred — Photo: The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Logan is shaken by the news of the powers, asking Keisha if Hayden has any. Keisha tells him he needs to ask Hayden, saying he will tell him in his own way. Though Hayden is afraid Logan won’t want him to live with him anymore, Logan comforts him, saying he loves him and that he knows he would never hurt anyone. Hayden also feels guilty about not helping or stopping Mildred, but Logan tells him sometimes loving someone isn’t enough to save them or their relationship. Sometimes, people just go down different roads.

4400 season 1 episode 8 recap: What will Andre’s future hold?

Andre and Shanice have been getting closer and hanging out more, but unfortunately, their little bubble bursts when Andre admits he signed the contract before Shanice figured out what was in it. He tries to be optimistic, saying this way he can continue helping the 4400 out medically more easily.

Andre also continues to try to complete the mission LaDonna sent him on, convincing Jharrel to come to Claudette’s apartment and search through Manny’s old textbooks for a missing page. Andre is suspicious that Claudette is fine with Jharrel snooping around when she’s not there, and he admits that the two have been hooking up and vibing.

Andre wants advice, as he doesn’t understand how to date in current times, and Jharrel reminds him he ruined his last relationship with Carla while searching for his brother. Plus, Shanice comes with a whole other set of complications with Logan and Mariah.

Andre eventually finds the piece of the page he’s searching for and even asks Shanice to grab a drink with him after the publicity event. Sadly, though, the happy mood is ruined after the incident with Mildred, and they both worry Andre’s conservatorship will be triggered. The two dance together, trying to have one nice night before fearing the future.

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