This article contains SPOILERS for How I Met Your Father season 1 episode 9.
Jesse confronts Meredith, Sophie tries to break up with Drew, and Sid puts hit foot in his mouth in this week’s episode of How I Met Your Father season 1.
Catch up on everything from the last episode here!
With a nice change of pace, this week’s episode of How I Met Your Father season 1 does not start off with Future Sophie talking to her son, but rather a man and a woman making out in a bed. As the camera pans up, audiences see it is The Captain (played by Kyle MacLachlan) from the original How I Met Your Mother series.
Soon The Captain’s wife Becky (played by Laura Bell Bundy) catches her husband in his affair in their marital bed where boat references are said aplenty. Future Sophie’s son is upset after the cliffhanging kiss, but Future Sophie says it will all make sense soon enough.
Back in the present day, Sophie gets her tooth fixed the morning after she kissed Jesse and she is in a slightly annoying and chipper mood. Valentina reads her bestie like a book so the two converse about Sophie’s romantic life.
This parallels Jesse and Sid’s conversation in their apartment about the very same thing since both Valentina and Sid are looking forward to being the respective hot aunt and hot uncle for Sophie and Jesse’s kids. It is then revealed that Sophie plans to break up with Drew today and then go on a date with Jesse tonight.
How I Met Your Father Season 1 Episode 9: Charlie’s big day with everyone
Before that date, however, the gang all have to hang out with Charlie since they agreed to watch the soccer match with him. While Sophie and Jesse make their best friends keep it a secret, Sid actually has some secrets to share with Jesse.
Sid tells Jesse about Meredith’s song and album which makes the heartbroken musician instantly listen to it. The song is called “Jay Street” and since that is an obvious reference to him, Jesse storms down to where his ex is staying to confront her about it.
In the same vein, Sophie is seen going to Drew’s apartment to talk with him about their relationship and to break up with him. When the door opens, however, Drew is actually about to eat brunch with his parents, and Sophie is guilted/forced into joining them. To make matters worse Drew and his father leave so Sophie is left with the mother of a man she was planning on breaking up with.
At Pemberton’s, Charlie is trying to get everyone invested in the soccer match but nobody cares. Sid and Hannah are busy planning both their weddings, Ellen is workshopping outfits for a job interview, and Valentina brings an aura of intrigue about her. When the topic of Jesse and Sophie comes up, Valentina and Sid immediately break their promises and exclaim that their besties kissed last night. The excitement is heartbreaking for Charlie who thought the cheering was for the soccer match.
How I Met Your Father Season 1 Episode 9: Jesse confronts Meredith…kinda
Jesse is in Meredith’s apartment now composing himself but she is able to appeal to and distract him with a game of guessing the hot sauce. Sophie is not having any luck on her mission either since Drew’s mom, Sue is already obsessed with Sophie and treating her like a daughter. Sophie has enough and blurts out that she is breaking up with this woman’s son but Drew’s mom doesn’t like this since she has her own bad news so Sue wants to play Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who will share their news today and who will wait.
Back at Sid’s bar, the gang is still talking about Jesse and Sophie’s kiss. Hannah gets upset since Drew is her friend and Sid is supporting cheating. Sid really messes up when he says Sophie did “the right kind of cheating” which makes a stressed-out Hannah upset at her fiancée. The two are planning their seating arrangements when Sid gets a text from Jesse that Valentina sees as she learns about Meredith’s song and album for the first time.
How I Met Your Father Season 1 Episode 9: Drew gets some bad news
When Drew and his dad return back to his apartment, Sue basically blurts out her bad news that Drew’s dad is likely going to jail after orchestrating a Ponzi scheme. Drew is understandably distraught so his mom tries to comfort him while also being manipulative when she explains that at least her son has a wonderful girlfriend to support him. Sophie excuses herself to the bathroom where Valentina calls her and explains the song and what Jesse is up to.
Now that the soccer match is over, Charlie and Valentina finally have a frank conversation about why the game was so important. It turns out, Charlie was feeling homesick and this was the only connection he had to home and all he wanted to do was celebrate this pastime with his new friends. Ellen then comes out of the bathroom with a new outfit on but it falls very much flat with her friends.
How I Met Your Father Season 1 Episode 9: Jesse gets a proposition
Sophie tries to make a little break for it when Drew confides in her that he appreciates that he is here while apologizing for the mayhem. However, Sophie does the right thing and is honest with Drew, and breaks up with him. Since both are emotionally mature, the break-up goes as well as it could.
While playing Hot Sauce Surprise, Jesse and Meredith have a talk about their relationship. Meredith explains that she loved Jesse but she didn’t have her own voice since Jesse had the final say on all the songs they wrote together so her turning down the proposal was the first step in making her own decisions. Now that she has her own voice and has found some success, she knows what she wants. She asks Jesse to be her touring pianist so they can figure out their relationship on the road.
In Pemberton’s, Valentina helps Ellen with her look in return for taking Ellen’s keys so she can go track down Charlie on his solo walk. Hannah apologizes to Sid for her reaction to his use of the term “good cheating” and explains she is stressed because of the weddings and the fact that they are doing all of this in a long-distance relationship. Another big hit comes in the size of Hannah informing Sid she might have a fellowship in Los Angeles so she might be staying another year.
Valentina decorates Charlie and Ellen’s apartment with British regalia abound while she is dressed up as every single one of the Spice Girls. Valentina talks about the two of them starting a family and Charlie is shocked and embraces his boo, but with a look of confusion on his face.
How I Met Your Father Season 1 Episode 9: Big news for Sophie
As she arrives at the restaurant for her date with Jesse, Sophie gets a call from Naomi Reisberg. Sophie’s idol explains that her “perfect shot” from the last episode of Jesse is beautiful and will be featured in Naomi’s next gallery for up-and-coming photographers. Although she is late, Sophie expects Jesse to already be here, but he is not. Sophie sits down and waits as Future Sophie cuts off the story to go get a snack, much to her son’s dismay.
The ninth episode of How I Met Your Father season 1 ends as Future Sophie walks to the kitchen, audiences see that picture of Jesse prominently displayed in her living room as the episode fades to black and hits us with “To be continued.”
Who do you think Jesse will choose, Sophie or Meredith? Why wasn’t Charlie happy with Valentina’s romantic gesture? Will Ellen ever get a job in New York? Let us know your answers and opinions in the comments below!
Stream the new episode of How I Met Your Father Season 1 next Tuesday, only on Hulu