If you love Marvel and Ancient Egypt, the upcoming Disney+ series Moon Knight may be something you’ll want to watch! Available for streaming on March 30, the chaotic trailer has more than 30 million views on YouTube already!
Starring Oscar Isaac (The Addams Family 2, Star Wars: Episodes 7-9 and X-Men: Apocalypse) as the lead, Moon Knight follows the story of one man with several different personalities. In the midst of him trying to figure out what is real and not, he comes in contact with the Egyptian Moon God Khonsu and thus becomes Moon Knight.
But his story is far more detailed and confusing than that. Isaac juggles the personalities of Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Mr. Knight, and of course Moon Knight.
Moon Knight was introduced in 1975 in Werewolf By Night Issue 32. He became so popular he appeared in other comics like The Spectacular Spider-Man and The Defenders. In 1980 he got his own comic book series and yes, has been compared to DC’s Batman.
What will happen in the Disney+ series Moon Knight?
But the real question is who will be the villain of the Disney+ series? Ethan Hawke (upcoming Knives Out 2, The Purge, Great Expectations) will be playing Arthur Harrow, who only appears in the comic Moon Knight (Vol. 2) #2.
He performs some less than acceptable experiments on humans that The Nerdist best describes as “creating some zombie-like servants”. Are those who bow to him in the trailer servants?
If Arthur Harrow has only appeared in one comic book issue, what new information will be added to his villain repertoire? How will Isaac fair portraying the cloaked hero?
If you want to know more about Moon Knight check out this helpful video from Variant Comics on YouTube.
Will you be watching Moon Knight? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!