The Marvel Studios six-episode series, Ms. Marvel will be arriving on the Disney Plus streaming platform on June 8, 2022. The upcoming superhero series starring Iman Vellani as the lead Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel will take audiences into the mind of a high schooler
The unfortunate reality of the existence of mean girls and the distraction of handsome boys won’t stop her from daydreaming that she is a superhero. But what happens when her dreams come true?
In the midst of all of this, her friend, who we’re guessing probably likes Kamala more than a friend, is none other than Matt Lintz. Fans of The Walking Dead will recognize him as King Ezekiel and Carol’s adopted son Henry.
Henry was the younger brother of Benjamin who tragically died at the hands of Savior Jared. The loss was a heartbreaking one for the group, especially Morgan who bonded with him the most.
Is that Matt Lintz we see starring in the upcoming Disney Plus series Ms. Marvel?
King Ezekiel and Carol raise Henry but he too would suffer a similar fate. He meets and begins a relationship with the Whisperer leader Alpha’s daughter, Lydia.
When The Kingdom celebrates a festival for all the communities, Alpha and members of her group kidnap several people, including Henry and kill them. Their heads are placed on spikes to mark Whisperer territory from the rest of the survivors.
His death not only ended King Ezekiel and Carol’s marriage but still affects them as we venture into the final season of The Walking Dead. We’d like to hope that this time Lintz’s Ms. Marvel character Bruno Carrelli will not suffer a similar fate.
Just how will Bruno fit into the series and how will it connect to next year’s film The Marvels?
Will you be watching Ms. Marvel? Comment your answers below, I’d love to read them!
Ms. Marvel will air June 8, 2022 on Disney Plus.