The Disney Plus series Hawkeye brought with it some familiar Marvel film energy with new aspects to the life of Avenger Hawkeye, Clint Barton. We also met new and interesting characters like Echo.
Clint’s a family man and wants to spend time with them for Christmas except…a small unforeseen hiccup in the form of Kate Bishop arrives. Kate has been a huge Hawkeye fan ever since she watched him defend New York City from Loki and The Chitauri.
Because of this, she developed fantastic archery skills that she used for better or worse. Together they try to solve a murder while dealing with Natasha Romanova’s deadly sister Yelena, the likes of skilled fighter Maya Lopez AKA Echo, and her uncle, the notoriously named Kingpin.
By the end of the series, Clint is able to give Yelena some closure about Natasha’s death, Kate joins Clint’s family for Christmas and Echo may have killed Kingpin in revenge for her father’s death. Alaqua Cox will reprise her role as Echo in the upcoming Hawkeye spin-off.
What do you think will happen in the upcoming Hawkeye spin-off Echo?
Officially filming hasn’t started but it sounds like it won’t be long before it does. The Direct wrote in their Hawkeye Spin-off Echo Receives Promising Filming Update that “The Cosmic Circus revealed that Marvel Studios recently got access to film footage for Echo in Grantville and Social Circle, Georgia. The Social Circle shoot will take place April before moving to Grantsville from May 16 to May 20. Additionally, location manager Ryan Schaetzle spoke to the Grantsville City Council asking for approval on a special filming permit. Reports indicate that he let the council know that the show needed a “story about a small town” and that their town “would be a big part of that.”.”
We’re hoping this means we’ll get more filming updates in May or possibly June. But what will the spin-off be about?
Who else will we see? Considering Hawkeye’s season finale left off on a cliffhanger in regard to Echo and Kingpin, maybe we’ll be seeing what happened that night?
Echo might be continuing her reign of revenge for her family. It’s possible we’ll see Hawkeye as he was able to help her see the truth and she was able to help him to view his damaged hearing as a superpower.
What do you think will happen in the upcoming Echo series? Who are you hoping to see?
Are you excited for Echo? Comment your answers below, I’d love to read them!