This article contains SPOILERS for Obi-Wan Kenobi season 1 episode 4.
Ben and Tala must break into a heavily guarded base to save the young princess Leia in the fourth episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi season 1.
Catch up here on everything from the last episode!
The next episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi season 1 begins from the titular character’s point of view being transported from Mapuzo to Jebiim as he goes in and out of consciousness. Obi-Wan eventually finds himself in a bacta tank, replaying the battle he just had with Darth Vader.
Kenobi snaps out of his medicinal state because of his strong will to save Leia. Ben and Tala get some help from the other rebels on where to find the princess.
After the other rebels, Roken, Wade, and Sully are scared to go on the mission, the two agree to go into a heavily guarded Empire base on an ocean planet to save Leia.

While her saviors are making their plan, Third Sister Reva is interrogating Leia about what this little child knows about the Path. Leia is not swayed into sharing information along with withstanding Reva’s slight Force powers.
Obi-Wan Kenobi season 1 episode 4: Reva tries to appeal to Leia
When they arrive at the base, Tala uses her cover as an Imperial Officer to walk into the base, as Ben swims through an entry port underwater. As the two are trying to regroup, Tala has to incapacitate an actual Imperial Officer and Ben uses his Jedi mind tricks to avoid being spotted by stormtroopers.
After Reva tries to use Lola against the princess and fails, Leia tries some sassy mind games of her own frustrating her interrogator. Because of her lack of progress, Reva has Leia taken to a more fitting interrogation room for the Galactic Empire.
Just as Ben thinks he found where Leia is hiding, he actually finds countless dead bodies of Jedi and folks who are Force-sensitive of all species and of all ages. Ben hears Leia screaming so he has Tala distract Reva away from Leia’s location.
Tala is able to remove Reva from Leia, promising to know where the Path is. She lies for the sake of Obi-Wan and Leia.
When Reva asks if she is a spy, Tala states she is but for the Empire, thus muddying up Reva’s Force senses. An alarm sounds, ending Tala’s interrogation.
The alarm is due to Ben freeing Leia from her capture and together they make a run for it. When she is left alone with lowly stormtroopers, Tala is able to take them out and search for her allies.
Using a wild shot from a blaster, Ben is able to show his great strength with the Force by holding back a cracked, pressurized window. Once Tala and Leia are out of harm’s way he releases it, sending waves of water onto the stormtroopers chasing them.
This oceanic inconvenience buys the three of them some much-needed time and space to move about the base more freely.
Obi-Wan Kenobi season 1 episode 4: Rebels become soldiers
The three heroes get to the loading dock when Reva and a group of stormtroopers stop them. Reva is abundantly angered by Tala’s betrayal.
The heroes look to be done for until two rebel ships come flying in to aid in Ben, Tala, and Leia’s escape. One of the ships, helmed by Wade, is distracting Reva and the other Empire loyalists as Sully picks up the escaping heroes in her ship.
This all turns out to be a very unfortunate mission for Wade after his ship is taken out of the sky by Reva.

Speaking of Reva, she gets Force choked by Darth Vader for failing to bring in Kenobi and Leia. This frustration is extinguished when Reva explains she put a tracker on Kenobi’s ship and will therefore know where their base is in due time.
Sully flies the three heroes back to their base on Jebiim where Roken learns the fate of his friend Wade. Following this, they all mourn their fallen ally as the rebels come to realize just how big of a fight this actually is.
As Leia adorably comforts Ben, the camera pans down to show Lola turning on, telling the audience that this is the tracker Reva was talking about with Lord Vader.
Do you think Ben will share anything with Leia about her birth parents? What names or faces do you think could show up when it comes to who Reva has tried to inquire?
Let us know your answers and opinions in the comments below!
Watch the new episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi season 1 next Wednesday, only on Disney+!