Kamala (Ms. Marvel) finally finds out why she has powers but unfortunately trusts the wrong people. Add to it both her brother’s wedding and her friendship with Nakia become affected by her secrets.
Will Kamala come clean to her family and Nakia? Let’s take a look at what happens on the Disney Plus series Ms. Marvel season 1 episode 3 “Destined”.
Ms. Marvel Season 1 Episode 3 recap – Aisha and Najma

The episode begins with a flashback to 1942 where we find Kamran’s mother Najma and Kamala’s great grandmother Aisha digging for the bracelets in a destroyed tomb. Aisha is able to find one of the bracelets, but they assume the British found the second.
As gunfire continues above, the group disperses, with Aisha taking the bracelet and never returning. Fast forwarding to the present, Najma and her son Kamran take Kamala to their home where she meets others like herself.
She, like Kamran are Djinn. Najma, Aisha, and the rest of the banished small group all come from the Noor Dimension and believe the bracelet is their only way back home.
Kamala agrees she will try to help them. Upon sharing this information to Bruno, she becomes conflicted as she has yet to be able to use her powers well. Bruno finally tells Kamala about his acceptance to Caltech and that he decided he’ll be going to California.
What’s more is that Kamala was hoping to finally tell Nakia about her powers. Nakia’s news is more important, sharing that a group of FBI agents entered the mosque believing they are hiding the supposed Night Light.
The FBI agents are of course working for Agent Cleary. This troubles Kamala temporarily as Nakia is announces she is unofficially a member of the board at the mosque.
After Bruno and Kamala’s father discuss the Djinn, thankfully making no connection to Kamala in the process, Bruno realizes that even if there was a way to send them back to the Noor Dimension it would be dangerous.
Ms. Marvel Season 1 Episode 3 recap – Aamir and Tyesha’s Wedding

Kamala texts Kamran that she needs more time to think about helping them. He understands whereas his mother does not.
Kamala fears that she is causing more harm than good for the people of her community. She wants to help them with her powers and seeks the advice of Sheikh Abdullah.
The episode focuses heavily on the values of having faith and in the power of family. Even though Kamala listens to her father provide helpful and profound advice to Aamir before his wedding, she can’t seem to follow it herself.
The beautiful wedding concludes, and the real party begins with the reception full of food, dancing and singing. But the festivities don’t last long as just when Bruno and Kamala are about to dance, Kamran arrives warning her that his mother is coming.
Kamala is devastated by this betrayal, pulls the fire alarm and as the wedding party disperses, Najma and the group arrive. Kamala struggles to fight them, even with her powers and Kamran’s help.
Even Bruno’s aid isn’t enough. Just when they are surrounded Cleary’s agents arrive and arrest the group allowing Kamala and Bruno to escape.
But as they do, Nakia catches Kamala using her powers. Kamala cannot explain what’s happening at the moment and flees home.
Ms. Marvel Season 1 Episode 3 recap – The Cliffhanger

Kamala arrives home safely to her family looking scared and disappointed. They heard Kamala pulled the fire alarm and saw the group of people she was with getting arrested.
They implore her to tell them what’s going on but Kamala refuses to. In near tears she confesses she can’t.
Later that night Kamala tries calling her grandmother who happened to see the same vision of the train both she and Najma did earlier that same evening. In desperation she tells Kamala both she and her mother need to come to Pakistan.
Ms. Marvel Season 1 Episode 3 review
It looks like Kamala will not be able to avoid telling her family the truth any longer. The question is how much of this did her mother already know and has she wielded the same powers before?
It is heartbreaking to see the visible inner battle Kamala is going through when debating telling her family the truth or not. She knows she can trust them, but she fears they’ll be in danger too.
Not to mention, she assumes they wouldn’t know how to help her in a situation like this. Kamala feels utterly alone and now feels the heavy weight of everything happening around her.
Let’s be honest, were we surprised Najma and her group weren’t really the good guys? We didn’t buy it for even a second.
But Kamala is young and impressionable so we of course can understand that. We’re thinking the group was banished from the Noor Dimension for a reason and that’s why Aisha left with the bracelet.
What awaits Kamala in Pakistan? Will she learn more about her family and her powers?
Will Captain Marvel herself make an appearance?
What did you think of Ms. Marvel season 1, episode 3? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Ms. Marvel season 1 episode 4 airs on June 29, 2022 on Disney Plus.