The final episode of Ms. Marvel season 1 has arrived and it wraps up a stellar story while leaving the ending open for the upcoming Marvel Studios film The Marvels. Episode 6 titled, “No Normal” has Kamala returning home with a new suit as she tries to save Kamran from Cleary’s agents.
Ms. Marvel Season 1 Episode 6 recap – Kamala’s Superhero Suit

Upon Kamala’s return home she anxiously awaits to tell her family the secret she’s been hiding all season long. However, when she does, they already know thanks to her mother but bombard her with exciting questions anyway!
Kamala is happy that her family accepts her, while trying to figure out what her actual superhero name should be. When she receives a call that Bruno isn’t answering his phone, it’s time for her to receive her mother’s gift.
Assuming it was made in Pakistan, Kamala’s mother gives her the iconic superhero suit. The moment means the world to Kamala as she feels her mother finally sees and understands her.
With her suit and the mask from Bruno before the trip, Kamala searches for her friend. Meanwhile Bruno and Kamran have been trying to escape Cleary’s agents as Kamran’s powers continue to grow beyond his control.
After seeking temporary refuge at the mosque, they run into Kamala, suited up and ready to help.
Ms. Marvel Season 1 Episode 6 recap – The Battle at the High School

The trio flees to the high school where Nakia, Zoe, and Kamala’s brother Aamir meet them. However, Cleary’s agents aren’t far behind and immediately surround the school.
Together the group hatches a plan to distract them long enough for Kamran to reach the pier where a friend of Kareem’s in Pakistan will rescue him. In near Home Alone style, the high school is booby trapped.
However, Kamran is struggling with his powers that seemingly appear stronger and more dangerous than Kamala’s. Kamala and Kamran take the fighting outside where a huge crowd has formed thanks to Zoe’s social media presence and call for help.
Kamala’s powers are able to subdue Kamran, allowing him to escape. He’s hesitant, untrusting of The Red Daggers and fearing how the rest of the world views people like them.
We come to find by the end of the episode Kamran does escape to Pakistan, thus meeting Kareem. When the battle is done, everyone gathers around Kamala to protect her from the agents, allowing her to escape.
After such an event, Kamala’s father speaks with her outside on the roof where together they come up with her superhero name Ms. Marvel.
Ms. Marvel Season 1 Episode 6 recap – Surprise Cameo

It seems as though Bruno hasn’t changed his mind about attending Caltech as he slips a letter into Kamala’s locker and prepares to leave. Before he does so, he, Nakia and Kamala argue over who will be keeping Kamran’s expensive car.
Bruno changes the mood of the moment when he reveals that he noticed Kamala’s powers are a mutation, thus making her different than her family. This vague revelation that somehow doesn’t call for a scene of its own, brings the episode to a close.
But of course, Ms. Marvel could not end without one Captain Marvel cameo. As Kamala admires her costume and bangle in the mirror, she is randomly transported somewhere off screen.
Captain Marvel emerges, startled and shocked by Kamala’s room which is basically a shrine to the hero.
Ms. Marvel Season 1 Episode 6 review
So how does the season finale compare to the rest of the season? Unfortunately, I felt oddly underwhelming.
The fact that Kamala’s mother is suddenly a huge fan of her daughter being a superhero literally confused me. All season long, Kamala was pressured to act as her family wanted.
Her hobbies and interests confused her family and she often felt guilty because of her family’s reaction. Yet somehow, perhaps a scene or two was cut, her mother is proud and completely fine with her daughter having powers and running around saving people.
It felt as though the big, emotional moment of having Kamala and her mother finally come together and repair their relationship never happened. Aside from that, things like her vague costume origins, what her mutations means, what Cleary is going to do next, or how there seems to be no news coverage of what happened, all seem like odd moments that needed further explanation.
Overall, Ms. Marvel was a great origin story. Kamala is a fun, relatable and engaging character that we look forward to seeing more of in the Marvel Universe.
What did you think of Ms. Marvel season 1, episode 6? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
You can watch Ms. Marvel season 1 on Disney Plus.