This article contains SPOILERS for The Sandman season 1 episode 2.
With Dream struggling to harness his powers, he must summon the help of the mischievous Fates in the second episode of The Sandman season 1.
Catch up here on everything from the last episode!
This episode begins with Dream returning to his palace in The Dreaming after his realm had decayed throughout the century he was gone. Lucienne the Royal Librarian recaps to her lord how worlds began to fade into one another, resulting in the library disappearing. She states that she never left because she never felt abandoned by Dream, believing he would eventually return.
To see if he still was his powerful self, Dream tries to manipulate the shattered glass pieces on the ground. There is some movement but the King of Dreams’ body gives out before he can go further. He explains to Lucienne how he might be nothing without his sand, helm, and ruby. The only issue with that, however, is that Ethel Cripps has them and Dream has no idea where they are.
The Sandman season 1 episode 2: Corinthian pays Ethel Cripps a visit
That location of Dream’s items turns out to be Buffalo, New York. Here, an older Ethel is hiding out from society. She appears to be an international criminal living multiple lives who has aged in the last century but is definitely not looking 100 years older.
After some strange events occur, Ethel is greeted by Corinthian who explains how getting inside her apartment was easy, but the hard part was actually finding her. Corinthian explains how he was a nightmare but he is his own man now, no longer under Dream’s control. He proposes a partnership between them both since they are both enemies of the King of Dreams.
The two work out the deals of their allegiance and the plan they are both agreeing to. Ethel tries to lie and say she does not know where they are, but the nightmare brings up her son and proves he knows more than she initially thought.

Back in his palace, Dream explains the only way he can get back his tools is by summoning the Three-In-One. These are The Fates that know all, but Lucienne is worried about them and their riddles. To counter this, the royal librarian suggests asking one of Dream’s siblings but he quickly dismisses the idea. So to summon The Fates, Dream needs something that remains intact that he created so he can absorb his power from it.
The Sandman season 1 episode 2: Meeting some residents of The Dreaming
The two go down into the realm where they find the biblical brothers Cain and Abel on their property. After their gargoyle alerts them of guests, the brothers greet Dream as “Lord Morpheus” before trying to outdo the other brother by being more hospitable.
Lucienne informs Cain and Abel that this is not a social call and that Morpheus needs something. Since their gargoyle, Gregory, started out as a nightmare, Dream will have to absorb this gentle creature which breaks Abel’s heart and frustrates Cain. Following the absorption and after Dream and Lucienne depart, Cain takes out his frustrations by stabbing Cain with a pitchfork.
Dream and Lucienne travel to the pier on the outskirts of The Dreaming where the librarian is worried about her lord voyaging these seas after they have become darker in his absence. The King of Dreams justifies his journey by saying he must do whatever it takes to summon The Fates.
Pouring the sand he retrieved from Gregory into the waters, Dream transports himself into the dreams of others, ones he did not create. Morpheus takes an actual crossroads from one person, experiences being a hanged man in another, and then Dream witnesses a mysterious egg and a snake, the latter of which is a theme for transformation.
These three “offerings” are exactly what he brings to The Fates, summoning them.
The Sandman season 1 episode 2: The location of Morpheus’ tools
They all talk like old friends before getting down to the reason Dream summoned them. After gifting them the snake, Morpheus learns his pouch of sand was last purchased by a magic user named Johanna Constantine, the helm was traded to a demon for the Amulet of Protection, and the ruby was passed from mother to son.
Following this, Dream tells a confused Lucienne that the mysterious egg was not meant for The Fates. Who it was meant for is quickly revealed when Abel awakes from being murdered by his brother to find the egg waiting for him outside his burial plot.
Back in Buffalo, Ethel is sticking with her first answer about how she is unaware of where Dream’s tools are. She traded the sand and helm for a fresh start in the USA and her son John took the ruby from her when he got older before the ruby took John.
Corinthian prepares to cut Ethel’s eyes out so he can learn all she has to know. Before he can do this, however, Ethel informs the nightmare she does not need Dream’s tools since she has her own. Ethel then presents the Amulet of Protection that evaporates Corinthian into the air before Ethel walks off at peace.
Abel returns to the kitchen covered in dirt and thanks his brother for not burying him too deep and for leaving the egg. Cain is confused before the egg begins to hatch and a baby gargoyle enters the world. The brothers disagree on the name which makes Cain kill Abel yet again.
The Sandman season 1 episode 2: Dream knows what he has to do
Ethel walks through a building where she is warmly greeted as Ms. Dee. This powerful woman is escorted to a prison-like hospital room so she can chat with her imprisoned son, Johnny. Ethel asks about her son’s therapy and tries to converse but John is standoffish before looking intrigued when his mother mentions the ruby.
Once again, Abel wakes up after being buried where he is met by Goldie (but who he will call Irving in his heart) and tells the story of Cain and Abel to his new critter friend. Abel talks of two brothers who loved each other, who were kind, and who lived in the same house. The legendary brother explains how he does not mind being murdered since it makes Cain happy in the end.

Back at the pier, Dream informs Lucienne that he must go to London. There he will find his sand so he will be strong enough to travel to Hell for his helm. The librarian tries to get her lord to take a raven but since Jessamyn died last time, Dream does not want to risk any more ravens. He is, however, hopeful since Johanna Constantine’s ancestor was fond of the King of Dreams.
The episode ends with Corinthian returning to The Dreaming as a result of Ethel’s artifact. Here, Lucienne is there to greet him and attempt to convince him to stay out of the waking world. Since he feels betrayed by Dream, Corinthian does not plan to be ruled by him, something he suggests to Lucienne before he leaves the realm.
Do you think that last suggestion from Corinthian will resonate with Lucienne? How much success do you think Dream will have with Johanna? Will Cain ever stop killing Abel?
Let us know your answers and opinions in the comments below!
Watch all of The Sandman season 1, only on Netflix!