In season 1 episode 2 of Tales of The Walking Dead, coworkers Blair and Gina find themselves in a time loop. How did this happen, and will they survive just as the apocalypse begins?
Tales of The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 2 recap – Blair and Gina

How do we begin to describe our main characters for this episode? Blair is one of the worst types of bosses one could ever have and probably had at least once in their lives.
She’s selfish, mean, bossy and acts like the world revolves around her. Gina on the other hand accepts Blair’s constant cruelty; remaining quiet, reserved but nonetheless secretly fed up with her boss.
They, amongst other coworkers, work for an insurance company just as news of what will soon be the apocalypse reaches its peak. Blair dismisses it all as fearmongering but believes it will be good for business.
Everyone else isn’t so sure. Blair leaves with her fiancé Brian to travel for the weekend and wind up stuck in line at a gas station waiting for gas.
As she’s there she notices Gina arrive. Gina enters the small store at the gas station noticing the empty shelves.
Angry to see her coworker not working Blair approaches and scolds her. Fed up, Gina grabs a rifle from her trunk and threatens the driver of the gas tanker to give her the keys.
In the process, a Homeland Security officer arrives with his son in the car. Blair notices he’s been bit on his arm and before things get worse, a woman is attacked by her walker husband before them.
After a struggle, the gun goes off, the gas tanker is hit creating an explosion. Blair and Gina find themselves back at work that same day.
Tales of The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 2 recap – The time loop

Sure enough, Blair and Gina are the only ones who begin repeating the day where eventually, somehow, the gas tanker explodes, and they die. Yes, in the same universe as Rick Grimes taking out Wolves by shooting through an RV, Negan singlehandedly rescuing Judith in a blizzard and Daryl taking out a tank with a grenade, we have the confirmation that time loops exist.
In the process of this endless loop, Blair and Gina learn more about each other. Blair realizes that she is selfish and that her engagement to Brian is not out of love but necessity.
Gina’s desire to use the gas tanker is to get to her brother and nieces, whom she loves so much she’s willing to die to get to them. Trouble is even after Gina successfully steals the truck and Blair resorts to allowing herself to be eaten by a walker, they still find themselves starting over again.
They cannot make it past 5:00 PM. So, they decide to actually work together.
Together they do get the gas tanker but, in the process, the walker not only seems to attack his wife but the Homeland Security agent’s son. The two are distraught but continue with their plan and escape.
After breaking through a police barrier on the highway, the two continue with Blair knowing which roads are open as the others will be closed because the military is arriving to the city.
Tales of The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 2 recap – Are Blair and Gina dead?

After so many failed attempts which even includes a walker Gina, what stops the time loop? Apparently saving people and coming face to face with walkers?
As they cross over the roadway, we see Rick cross on a horse in season 1 of The Walking Dead, they notice abandoned cars and horde of walkers approaching civilians. Blair and Gina decide to pour the gasoline onto the road and light it on fire.
This creates a wall of fire blocking the walkers from the people trying to escape. While this is successful, the tanker does explode but did Blair and Gina die?
This may be up to interpretation as the two are seen as alive and human. They are believably banged up and dirty but not walkers.
Yet, there seems to be debate over whether they did actually die.
Tales of The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 2 review
Oh boy, I tried really hard to like this episode and as much as I love The Walking Dead, (like really love it) this wasn’t a great episode. At times the humor worked, at times the sentimental moments worked, but this really was a strange direction for anything The Walking Dead related to take.
I understand that there is a need to keep spinoffs fresh to draw new viewers and still keep viewers who have been watching since the beginning, but this really wasn’t the best way to do it. Neither is a musical episode (just don’t, please. That doesn’t and won’t ever fit this universe at all).
I do think the characters were interesting and sometimes the scenes felt a little too real. I nearly teared up when Blair allowed everyone to leave early, and the one employee packed up so fast grabbing his phone and calling his family in relief and panic.
How many workplaces are like this where the employees want to leave for reasonable circumstances, but they can’t in fear they’ll lose their job? How many workplaces place employees in situations where they can’t lose their job, so they stay?
How many workplaces have bosses who don’t see the big picture? Needless to say, the next episode of Tales of The Walking Dead will feature Alpha and Lydia before The Whisperers arc.
That alone sounds promising, and I look forward to watching!
What did you think of the second episode of Tales of The Walking Dead? Do you think Blair and Gina are dead or still alive?
Share your thoughts in the comments below, we’d love to read them!