In Tales of The Walking Dead season 1 episode 4 “Amy/Dr. Everett” we meet two survivors with two different views on the world around them. As one follows science, the other hope, we learn that in the end one thing never changes, walkers remain a present and unending threat.
Tales of The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 4 recap – Dr. Everett

The episode mostly follows, Dr. Everett who has been studying walkers, whom he calls Homo Mortuus for years. He is living in the Dead Sector which is cutoff from the rest of society.
It is here only walkers and animals survive together with the exception of people coming in and taking the heads of walkers as trophies. Through his research he learns how hordes are formed and wears a jacket made of walker skin to protect himself from them.
As he continues his research, especially that of a walker he named Specimen 21 he meets Amy. Amy got separated from her group and needs his help as she’s been feeling sick for days and doesn’t have anywhere to go.
Dr. Everett ignores her, focusing on his research when Amy accidentally damages the tracker on Specimen 21 while defending herself. She follows Dr. Everett to his base located in a giant tower and manages to climb up with one good hand and the other a weaponized piece of metal.
Dr. Everett eventually lets her in and discovers she’s been eating poisonous berries. After a night of puking and rest the two argue over his research and the world around them.
Dr. Everett views walkers or “chompers” (as Amy calls them) as nature, a new form of predator like wolves. He observes, does not interfere and has already noticed strange patterns amongst them.
Amy thinks he’s wasting his time and desperately needs to find her group. The two split up where Amy winds up finding and tracking Speciment 21 by marking trees as she goes.
When Dr. Everett returns, Amy agrees to help him retrieve Specimen 21 as long as he helps her return to her group. He reluctantly agrees.
Tales of The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 4 recap – Specimen 21

Amy had suspicions that Specimen 21 was someone Dr. Everett knew as he seemed very obsessed with that particular walker. When they do find it, several others are attacking her friends.
Dr. Everett refuses to let Amy go and interfere. She manages to help her one friend Hannah escape but the other is already dead.
Specimen 21 winds up tumbling down onto a small muddy raft and into the water. Dr. Everett begs Amy to help him retrieve the walker however their efforts fail when an alligator emerges and eats it.
Defeated and heartbroken, he finally reveals that Specimen 21 used to be his colleague who resided in the tower. He made Dr. Everett promise that after his death from cancer to research him and the other walkers.
Amy finds his methods to be hypocritical as he doesn’t want anything to happen to Specimen 21 yet would easily allow her friends to be killed. But there is more to the story.
Dr. Everett knew that a large herd was heading towards her group. He refused to say anything to Amy knowing she wouldn’t be able to save them in time.
He had offered her to take over his research as he can’t live forever. Even Amy suggested that he come to live with her group instead of being alone.
But at this point, Amy is beyond disgusted by him. After having lost many people in her life, she refuses to sit by and decides to try to warn them.
Dr. Everett returns home with a limp, thinking over what Amy told him.
Tales of The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 4 recap – Amy

Dr. Everett decides to go and find Amy’s group, passing walkers along the way. When he arrives, he finds that everyone has died and become walkers as he predicted.
He finds the truck with severed walkers heads and begins tagging new walkers to research. Sadly, he finds Amy too has died and become a walker.
The episode ends with him debating if he should tag and research her as well.
Tales of The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 4 review
Episode 4 was vastly better than episodes 1 and 2. It was interesting to see how walkers have been studied by humans try to understand them.
Dr. Everett believes walkers will never go away and it’s best to try and live in the world with them. However, in the grand scheme of things, Amy’s approach makes more sense.
You see one, you kill it. They will never be human again and their existence simply puts humanity more at risk.
However, it is odd that the mention of walkers dying from starvation isn’t outwardly mentioned. It did look like the episode was trying to imply that it could happen.
Dr. Everett was studying one walker in particular that barely had any limbs left. It barely moved at all.
Surprisingly, Amy is the first main character of this series to not survive. It was unfortunate to see that Dr. Everett was right all along, but we think her words left at least a small impact on him.
Will we ever see Dr. Everett again? Can walkers starve to death, literally this time?
We look forward to learning more as the final two episodes air.
What did you think of the fourth episode of Tales of The Walking Dead?
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