This article contains SPOILERS for Andor season 1 episode 3.
While Cassian meets with Bix’s buyer, Syrill Karn and his officers search for their criminal on Ferrix in the third episode of Andor season 1.
Catch up here on everything from the last episode!
The latest episode begins with little Kassa on Kenari. Here, he is exploring the ship that crashed alone with just his blow darts on hand.
Kassa is amazed at the technology before unleashing some of that anger that began to grow in episode 2. Returning to the present day, Cassian tells Brasso privately at the mining fields that he is leaving today and the money he owes will be with Maarva.
Andor does not tell his friend where he is going to protect the innocent man from all of his crimes and potential punishments. The mysterious man who arrived on Ferrix last episode, walks through town.
He is revealed to be the buyer Bix Caleen called for. She catches the buyer up on the bulletin out for Cassian, but he does not mind other than saying they better be quick.
Andor season 1 episode 3: How I Met Your Maarva
While B2EMO is rolling through town, it cuts to a flashback with a shinier Bee, younger Maarva, and a third man named Clem on a rebellious mission. They are scavenging a ship when they hear a ruckus down the hall.
This turns out to be young Kassa destroying the tech. Kassa is unable to communicate with them as they speak English, and he is speaking the indigenous Kenari language.
Maarva is doing everything she can to try and convince Kassa they are there to help but the wild Kenari boy is acting defensive. Eventually, Maarva tranquilizes little Kassa so they can all leave safely and alive, something Clem is hesitant about.
The shinier B2EMO states a Republic frigate is approaching which flows perfectly with the Pre-Mor authority task force arriving on Ferrix to look for Cassian Andor. Deputy Inspector Syrill Karn is on one of the ships with Sergeant Mosk and not appearing emotionally ready for actual fighting.

Karn and Mosk arrive at Maarva’s home while drawing a crowd as the Ferrix locals do not like the Pre-Mor Authority. The officers tear the home apart until Cassian radios through B2EMO.
They are able to track Andor’s communication. Cassian has no idea this is going on, so he is going through with the transaction with Bix’s buyer, Luthen Rael, without knowing danger is close by.
He has to do a lot of convincing to Luthen for him to take the NS-9 Starcraft, which includes explaining how he got it. This is something Cassian particularly holds out on.
Andor season 1 episode 3: Luthen Rael knows more than he leads on
While the barter continues, Bix learns about the “corpos” who are here looking for Cassian. She leaves to warn Cassian but Timm tries to stop her.
That is when she discovers who turned in Cassian. Disgusted, she runs to warn her friend with Timm chasing behind.
Eventually, when Rael offers an extra thousand credits on top of the forty thousand Cassian asked for, Andor explains he walked right in because of the Empire’s arrogance. With this information, Luthen begins sharing he knows more about Cassian than any new person should.
He offers Cassian the chance to fight the Empire for real. That is when they both hear guards surrounding their location.
Rael quizzes Andor on how he would get out of the building and out of town. He then sets off the bombs he placed before he met with Cassian, and the fighting begins.
During this time, the townsfolk begin clanging metal to announce the arrival of the Pre-Mor Authorities and to intimidate them. While running to Cassian, Bix is apprehended by some Pre-Mor officers and is roughed up to the point she is bleeding from her head.
Timm passes by, sees this, and tries to help. He ignores the officer’s instructions to stay back and ends up being shot and killed for trying to help her.
Andor season 1 episode 3: A wake-up call is heard throughout Ferrix
These officers give up their apprehension of Bix when Mosk radios to everyone that they are needed to take on the two humans, not just Cassian, who are attacking the officers. Cassian and Luthen are trying to leave and find a speeder but Cassian keeps trying to get the Starcraft device.
This places him in more danger. Finally, he gives up his efforts in retrieving the box and flees with Luthen.
As the two wanted men are on the run through the town, the Pre-Mor officers split up to try and find them. While being guarded, Maarva explains that the clanging is a reckoning to them and will become much scarier once the clanging stops.
While the Pre-Mor officers hide, Cassian and Luthen are hiding in the same location as Syrill Karn. Andor and Rael disarm the Deputy Inspector and find out there are fourteen total men there.
Although Luthen wants to kill Karn, Cassian spares his life for now. Shortly after Maarva’s statement, the banging sound stops, and tension rises throughout town.
One of the officers crashes their pod ship which leads Sergeant Mosk into believing the criminals are behind them.
Andor season 1 episode 3: Escaping for a brighter future
One of the Pre-Mor officers eventually finds the tied-up Karn and the Deputy Inspector explains that the speeder that drove off was being driven by the criminals. The Pre-Mor officers shoot the vehicle to a stop.
Thinking they killed the criminals the officers proudly look on.

However, this was just a distraction as Luthen and Cassian drive off in the opposite direction on a speeder bike, blowing up the car and exacting their escape. They quickly arrive to Rael’s ship and are able to get away from the Pre-Mor Authority.
The rest of the townsfolks are shaken up by these aggressive officers storming through their town with no regard for decency, respect, or the lives of innocent bystanders. The episode ends with parallel scenes switching back and forth.
One scene is Kassa being saved from the Republic Frigate by Maarva and Clem, and the other is Cassian and Luthen escaping the Pre-Mor-ravaged Ferrix. In both scenes, little Kassa and big Cassian are staring off into the brighter horizon.
How much do you think Luthen knows about Cassian? How will the rest of Cassian’s friends on Ferrix react to this egregious use of power by the Pre-Mor Authority?
Let us know your answers and opinions in the comments below!
Watch the new episode of Andor season 1 next Wednesday, only on Disney+!