Running a household isn’t easy and Ma Mary has had enough. In Derry Girls season 3 episode 2 “The Affair” Mary is looking for some spontaneity while Erin and her friends perform as a famous British girl band for the school talent show.
Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 2 recap – Mary Needs a Break
Episode 2 begins with Ma Mary about to lose her mind as literally, everyone in the household cannot function without her. On the verge of an actual nervous breakdown, she decides to take time to herself which includes reading the classic novel Wuthering Heights.
She admits to her sister, Sarah, that she feels stagnant and needs something new in her life. Lo and behold the plumber, Gabriel arrives to fix the boiler.
Immediately Mary and Sarah are drawn to the younger man, who is not only attractive but well-spoken and intelligent. This does not bode well for Gerry who notices the obvious attraction.
Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 2 recap – The Plumber
While Gabriel is only there to fix the boiler, he winds up getting to know the family a bit better, especially Mary. This would be all innocent and fun if it weren’t for one moment Clare happens to notice.
She and the group practice their dance routine upstairs for the upcoming school talent show. The winner will get to have their performance on live TV.
As Clare walks away from the group arguing over the routine, she catches Mary and Gabriel speaking in secret downstairs. They exchange some rather suspicious declarations which causes Clare to think Mary is about to have an affair.
She tells Erin and the group what she witnessed, and they agree to follow Mary that evening. They borrow Gerry’s car with James behind the wheel, as he recently learned how to drive, and they arrive at the address.
They see Mary and Gabriel talking at the window with wine before the curtains are closed. Erin is devastated, truly believing her mother is having an affair.
But she must focus for the moment as she and her friends are about to perform. The group decides to perform as the Spice Girls and yes James is Posh Spice, naturally.
They start off doing extremely well until Erin spots her mother in the audience with Gabriel. She leaves the stage, and the group cuts the performance short.
Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 2 recap – The Truth
Behind the scenes Erin confronts her mother before the family and her friends, accusing her of having an affair with Gabriel. While the situation shows all the signs of an affair, in actuality Mary was seeking Gabriel’s guidance.
She met him and several others, whom Erin and the group did not see, to talk about her idea of going to college and getting a degree. Gerry is angry that Mary felt comfortable seeking Gabriel’s help and advice but ultimately agrees to help his wife with this prospect.
Erin however flips out even more so, as she was supposed to be the first in her family to go to college. Now that might not be happening.
Regardless, the situation is resolved, and the group watches another classmate win the talent show contest. Of course, the episode isn’t over unless there is one more funny thing that happens.
Mary and Gerry notice he’s received a ticket for driving well below the speed limit the night James and the group borrowed his car.
Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 2 review
Where do I begin? Should I comment on the Spice Girls performance which was both really good and hilarious at the same time?
Or the heartfelt moment of when Mary confesses, she’d like to go to college? Or how nearly every female in the show finds Gabriel undeniable hot?
The episode was very cut dry in terms of the plot and while I didn’t mention it in detail earlier, Sister Michael and Father Peter had some of the funniest moments as they work together on the school talent show. I do say, work together, very loosely.
The bulk of the plot though does involve Mary. It was nice to see her character grow beyond that of a housewife and mother.
It’s no secret that Erin’s family is short on money. We are constantly reminded that they have a pretty full house, so the idea of a college degree might seem like an unachievable fantasy.
College tuition isn’t cheap, but it seems Gerry is willing to make it work so that his wife can be happy. That’s true relationship goals.
Not to mention the fact that Mary remains faithful to her husband and family when she could easily have a fling and not care about the consequences.
What did you think of the Derry Girls season 3 episode 2? Share your thoughts in the comments below, we’d love to read them!
You can watch Derry Girls season 3 on Netflix.