Oddballs Season 1 Episode 2 recap: Breaking and Entering

Oddballs (L to R) Julian Gant as Max and James Rallison as James in Oddballs. Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2022
Oddballs (L to R) Julian Gant as Max and James Rallison as James in Oddballs. Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2022

Netflix’s Oddballs season 1 episode 2 “Breaking and Entering” is about one experiment gone wrong. James’ mom has a pretty twisted way to find out if her son is responsible enough to own a smartphone.

Oddballs Season 1 Episode 2 recap – Smartphone Experiment

James is fed up using his old, barely hanging on, flip phone which apparently can be used to check the temperature of hot drinks. He wants a smartphone and decides to confront his parents about it.

His mom, a scientist, doesn’t believe her son is responsible enough for a smartphone. But she comes up with a plan.

She turns James into a smartphone! If he can go about the day and not get damaged it will prove to her that he is ready for a smartphone.

Smartphone James is loving his new lifestyle. He can order food in an instant, leave food reviews and play around with photo filters.

His day at school goes by without issue until the final bell rings. As he and Max head home, they high five which results in James’ hand and arm cracking.

He has a limited amount of time to get fixed and arrive home before his mom gets suspicious.

Oddballs Season 1 Episode 2 recap – In desperate need of repairs

Max thankfully has a plan. They visit his sister, a human named Jenna.

She works at a repair shop and believes she can fix him for a price. The price is exorbitant, so she suggests they get her food from her favorite restaurant.

The trouble is James left a valid one-star review, which results in the restaurant closing. He agrees to change the review, but the cooking equipment needed to make the meal isn’t working.

This means James will have to use himself to determine the temperature. He does so but suffers even more injuries.

With food in hand Jenna agrees to fix James and does so successfully. But now it’s a race to beat his mom home.

Wrapping himself in bubble wrap and other protective gear meant for smartphones, he gets a ride, flies in the air and lands in his bedroom just as his mom arrives.

Oddballs Season 1 Episode 2 recap – The Result

Trying to remain calm, James’ mom looks him over slowly and delicately. As she does so he becomes increasingly more nervous.

She states that James has some water damage. He defends himself by claiming he went through other damage earlier that day, accidentally revealing everything that happened.

Instead of arguing with her, he simply agrees that he doesn’t need or want a smartphone anymore.

Oddballs Season 1 Episode 2 review

This episode of Oddballs provides more details about the bizarre world James and Max live in. Even though James and Max are basically roommates, living in a trailer behind held up high by a sentient cactus, he still needs to ask his parents for a smartphone.

The episode also reveals that James and Max are high school students and live near a city with uniquely named stores and restaurants. The idea of simply having your child prove they can be responsible with something expensive is realistic.

Of course, the means to which James has to prove he is responsible are simply, odd. There were plenty of laughs and key moments where you realize how even the smallest details come back to wrap up the episode.

Will Oddballs be nothing but foreshadowing and jokes? Maybe.

James is no Toasty, but this episode was a fun ride and I look forward to the next one!

What did you think of the Oddballs season 1 episode 2? Share your thoughts in the comments below, we’d love to read them!

You can watch Oddballs season 1 on Netflix.