Oddballs Season 1 Episode 4 recap: Line Cutters

Oddballs (L to R) Julian Gant as Max, Kimberly Brooks as Echo and James Rallison as James in Oddballs. Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2022
Oddballs (L to R) Julian Gant as Max, Kimberly Brooks as Echo and James Rallison as James in Oddballs. Cr. COURTESY OF NETFLIX © 2022

While James and Max wait on line for some savory ribs, a girl from the future appears! It seems there is more than meets the eye in Oddballs season 1 episode 4 “Line Cutters”.

Oddballs Season 1 Episode 4 recap – Line Cutting Consequences

James and Max have slept overnight waiting in line, to eat the best ribs. While they wait, they notice line cutters way behind them.

The line-cutting policewoman Roxanne, who is literally a rock, tosses the line cutter to the back of the line. James goes on a huge tirade to Max about how horrible line cutters are when suddenly a mysterious girl appears before them.

James flips out, calls her a line cutter and all three are tossed to the back. James tries to explain how they were not the line cutters, but Roxanne won’t hear it.

Oddballs Season 1 Episode 4 recap – Echo

The mysterious girl introduces herself as Echo, a time traveler from the future. In her future processed foods no longer exist.

Everything you eat you have to grow and make yourself. She came to the past to enjoy the ribs, but her plan failed as James had her thrown to the back of the line.

James tries to get back to the front of the line by playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with Roxanne. He, of course, loses.

But that’s not the worst of it. Echo tells James and Max that the chefs are aliens.

People eat the ribs so that the aliens can eat them. James doesn’t believe her, Max does.

Max decides to sneak into the back to see for himself. James and Echo follow to find the back full of ribs.

Oddballs Season 1 Episode 4 recap – Aliens

They begin enjoying the tasty ribs when the chefs arrive, including one who resembles famous Chef Gordon Ramsay. Turns out Echo was right, as the bug-like aliens remove themselves from the human-skin suits and start chasing James and Max.

Echo agrees to save them if James admits she was right. He does which results in Echo using her technology to attack the bug aliens.

They flee back to the spaceship. As the group attempts to enjoy the ribs together, Roxanne catches them.

James plays one more game of Rock, Paper, Scissors with her in the hopes he’ll win, but he loses.

Oddballs Season 1 Episode 4 review

Echo is an interesting character who fits in well with the world James has created in Oddballs. However, my only worry is that she’ll take too much attention away from James and Max.

Up until this point, I had gotten used to the wacky duo and their antics. By episode 4 we know what James and Max are like and they make a very comedic pair.

Will Echo drive a wedge between them and take away that duo’s uniqueness? I’m sure we’ll see more of Echo and get to learn more about her in the process.

Already you can tell she and James are going to butt heads as they can be both stubborn and prideful. We’ll have to see what happens in the next episode to know for sure if she’ll become as iconic as James and Max.

What did you think of the Oddballs season 1 episode 4? Share your thoughts in the comments below, we’d love to read them!

You can watch Oddballs season 1 on Netflix.