Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 7 recap: The Agreement

Derry Girls - Credit: Netflix
Derry Girls - Credit: Netflix /

The series finale of Derry Girls has arrived, but does it deliver? It is one year later; Erin’s 18th birthday is coming up but a misunderstanding with Michelle causes their friendship to collapse.

But there are things going on bigger than themselves that could change the course of Ireland as a whole.

Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 7 recap – Sister Michael

Sister Michael has been the name and face behind Our Lady Immaculate College since the series began. Her attitude and humor have made her one of the more memorable characters.

Which is why it was so surprising and somewhat sad to see that she may be leaving. After praying to God for her team to win earlier in the episode, Father Peter pays her a visit.

He wanted to prepare her for some bad news. The Bishop will be calling, asking for her to be transferred to another school and parish.

This isn’t uncommon, as a Roman Catholic myself, I have seen many Monsignors come and go, even ones I had a great connection with. Sister Michael is devastated by this news, unsure what to do.

Father Peter suggests that she should just let it happen and see it as a good thing. Sure enough, Sister Michael receives the call.

When Father Peter checks in with her later, she tells him that at first she agreed, but then argued as to why she should stay. Truthfully, she has made a difference at the school.

She continues to make a difference and shouldn’t leave. It seems the Bishop agreed because we don’t hear anything more on the subject for the rest of the episode.

Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 7 recap – Erin’s 18th Birthday

Erin is turning 18 and wants to have a big birthday party. She becomes influenced to have a theme regarding wonderful and groundbreaking writers.

Orla however thinks the theme should be about monkeys. Amongst this discussion, they learn about a vote coming up that could change the course of Ireland’s history.

As we remember, Ireland has been in the midst of violence and unrest due to disagreements. There are those who want Northern Ireland to unite as one country, while the rest of Ireland wants Northern Ireland to remain a part of the United Kingdom.

Not to mention the religious elements of the fighting between Catholics and Protestants. The vote, which would later be The Good Friday Agreement, would determine if peace will finally be realized.

Erin doesn’t feel they should be easily merciful as many people have been killed. This includes Michelle’s brother who committed murder.

The two girls have a spat about it and seemingly end their friendship. On top of that, another classmate will be having a party the same day Erin wants to hold her birthday party.

That birthday party will surely be better but Erin refuses to reschedule. While all of this is happening, Clare is trying to be there for everyone, but she and her mom had moved since her father’s death.

Erin’s birthday does not bode over well. She is sharing the party with little girls receiving their Communion, Michelle and James attend the other party and Erin’s family are dealing with a relative overstaying their welcome.

Erin decides to go to the other party to see if Michelle went. She discusses her frustrations with James while Clare decides to make the trek on her own to reunite her friends.

The party is indeed better than hers, but she is able to salvage her friendship with Michelle again. To top it off, Clare does save the day by going to the party, turning off the power and forcing everyone to leave and have the party at Erin’s party.

Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 7 recap – The Vote

The vote is the biggest part of the episode as Erin and her friends are old enough to make a difference. We see everyone thinking before they make their decision as real-life footage is shown of the real events leading to The Good Friday Agreement.

Yes, even Liam Neeson returns to make his voice heard. In the end peace is achieved, and we are left wondering where Erin and her friend’s lives go from there.

But at this point, anything is possible. The episode ends in the present day, where Chelsea Clinton receives her letter from the girls and James.

She reads it aloud, with a smile.

Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 7 review

For a series finale it was well written, acted, and put together. Choosing to end the series with The Good Friday Agreement was a wonderful call.

It fits in with the girls and James becoming adults and knowing they have a bright and unknown future ahead of them free from the violence and unrest. At the same time, it felt like something was missing.

True, a lot is left open ended, especially that of James and Erin’s relationship. But aside from the vote, it didn’t have a big ending-type feeling.

It felt as though something bigger than Erin’s 18th birthday should have happened. Some other event should have taken precedence.

If Erin’s birthday would be the big event, outside of the vote, it should have been funnier. It felt sad and frustrating to see her and Michelle fight as well as see how her birthday, before Clare intervened, was tragically bad.

The bit where Chelsea Clinton finally got the letter was sweet and clever. But it would have been nice to see what happened to the characters a year later.

Otherwise, this was a wonderful series from beginning to end. At times I envied the hilarity that ensued, and I related closely to the Catholic upbringing and lifestyle to a degree.

I’d love to see a spinoff or future show with Sister Michael and Father Peter. It needs to happen.

If not, I will enjoy rewatching the series from the beginning and enjoy every laugh and cry that follows.

Next. Derry Girls Season 3 Episode 6 recap: Halloween. dark

What did you think of the Derry Girls series finale?

You watch the entire Derry Girls series on Netflix