Governor Pamela Milton will not let the group go so easily. On The Walking Dead season 11 episode 20 “What’s Been Lost”, Yumiko discovers nearly all her friends have been captured and it’s up to Carol and Daryl to find them.
The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 20 recap – Carol and Daryl’s Rescue Mission

This episode of The Walking Dead wastes no time in getting the momentum going. As Carol begins stealing bread to bring back home, Ezekiel interrupts her.
Their friendly banter doesn’t last long as he suddenly vanishes, and two men barge in attacking her. She escapes, just barely, and finds the wagon they’ve been packing unmonitored.
Inside the building Daryl struggles to stop his attacker. Carol saves him and the two try to figure out where everyone went.
It doesn’t take long for Carol to figure out who they need to talk to. She and Daryl manage to find Lance Hornsby in his cell, covered in blood and residing with what’s left of a body.
Lance had been feeding walker Sebastian as ordered and seems to have lost his mind in the process. Carol and Daryl are able to speak some sense into him and he agrees to help them find their friends.
His tracker sets off the alarm, leaving Daryl to hold back the Commonwealth soldiers so Carol and Lance can escape. While on the run, Lance tries to make conversation with Carol, but she refuses to listen.
She’s focused on finding her friends however Lance does bring up a valuable point. They will be in charge of The Commonwealth and all the people who live there once Pamela is gone.
We do learn a little bit about how both Lance and Pamela built The Commonwealth together and she left him to take all the credit. On their journey outside of The Commonwealth, they are able to evade soldiers searching for them.
It seems Pamela is not too happy to see Lance has escaped as well as find her walker son dead. At one point on their trip, Carol finds herself nearly killed by an ambush of walkers.
Lance plays it off that he thought she was alright.
The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 20 recap – Yumiko’s Decision

Back at The Commonwealth it doesn’t take long for Yumiko to figure out what happened to her friends. She confronts Pamela who just finished a meeting with people possibly from the CRM or another community.
Pamela admits she kidnapped Yumiko’s friends so that she had leverage over her. She wants Yumiko to represent her against Eugene.
Disgusted by this Yumiko refuses but she realizes she’s in over her head, as her brother Tomi will also be in danger. She seeks Tomi at the hospital and tells him everything.
Unfortunately, he believes she should do as Pamela says to save herself and her friends. Yumiko doesn’t want to sacrifice Eugene for the sake of everyone else and leaves distraught.
As she’s leaving Connie finds her and they talk about what happened using sign language. It seems Connie and Kelly were attacked but Connie managed to wound her attacker.
Kelly was taken. The two come up with a plan to have Yumiko follow him to see if she can find where everyone is being held.
Her plan fails when the man she follows notices, meaning Yumiko has to keep moving and cannot continue. Her last-ditch effort is Eugene.
Although there are two Commonwealth soldiers keeping watch, the two converse over what has happened. Eugene is more than willing to sacrifice himself for their friends.
Yumiko still does not agree with that option. The day is now coming to an end and Yumiko will need to be present at the press conference.
Pamela reminds her of the situation and adds that Connie was also taken. Yumiko begins her pre-written speech but decides to take matters into her own hands.
She praises Tomi, who is present, for all of his hard work and dedication to The Commonwealth. Then in a spectacular power move, she announces she will be representing Eugene against Pamela Milton.
The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 20 recap – Where is everyone?

After Carol manages to kill the walkers, she and Lance are caught by Commonwealth Soldiers. Thankfully Daryl saves them just in time.
Though it is nightfall, the trio can clearly see a train station at the bottom of a hill. Lance tells them that their friends are being taken to prison camps via train.
Both Daryl and Carol are surprised to hear that The Commonwealth has working trains but agree that Lance cannot be kept alive. Lance, shaken and annoyed by this, pleads with both to spare him.
The truth is they don’t need Lance anymore. They allow him to walk away, but he takes the moment to grab a gun from the vehicle the soldiers were using.
Carol kills him with her bow before he can fire the weapon. The episode ends inside a bus where several people are sitting with bags over their heads.
One of whom is Ezekiel. They are given an injection that puts them to sleep.
The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 20 review
This episode starts off as many should have in The Walking Dead series as a whole. Before you can truly get situated and ready to watch a new episode, everything escalates quickly and doesn’t stop.
Even the scenes where Yumiko is trying to figure out what to do have a very intense and anxious feeling to them. She doesn’t know how many of her friends were taken.
She doesn’t know where they are. She’s literally on her own and has to make a decision.
Was it the right call to make? We think so.
Meanwhile the threat that is Lance Hornsby is finally gone. Was it a satisfying death?
As long as he’s dead and none of our favorite characters were killed in the process, then yes, it is a satisfying death to me. With both him and Sebastian dead, Pamela will become the last true threat.
But taking her down might be as easy as she seems to always be several steps ahead. Or at least she was.
Thankfully the next episode seems to show who was taken and to where. Will some of our favorite characters not survive the prison camp?
What will during Eugene’s trial? I look forward to finding out!
What did you think of The Walking Dead season 11, episode 20? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
The Walking Dead season 11, episode 21 airs October 30 on AMC.