1923 Season 1 Episode 5 Recap: Ghost of Zebrina

Harrison Ford as Jacob Dutton and Helen Mirren as Cara Dutton of the Paramount+ series 1923. Photo Cr: Emerson Miller/Paramount+ © 2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Harrison Ford as Jacob Dutton and Helen Mirren as Cara Dutton of the Paramount+ series 1923. Photo Cr: Emerson Miller/Paramount+ © 2022 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Season 1 episode 4 of 1923 left us striving for hope in a cruel world. Cara Dutton makes her way to the post office.

The mood is somber after all the lives lost. She is saddened that there is still no news from Spencer.

She is still in dire need of his help and trying to hold the family together herself.

"“Life had become a series of melancholy routines. Like a defeated stag that had retreated deep into the forest to tend it’s wounds.” -Elsa on the state of the Dutton Family"

Cara soon returns home to tend to her husband’s wounds. The man is still in pain but fighting to be healthy enough to fight his next chapter in life.

It breaks her to see her husband in this way, but she still has one to hurt over. Emma Dutton is not as fortunate and feels she has nothing left.

She has a son who is getting married and about to start a family of his own and a husband buried in the dirt. It’s a family she no longer feels a part of.

You can see her disassociating with the people and the world around her. Jack is going through all those same emotions and doesn’t know how to help her.

He is also distancing himself, patrolling and looking desperate for revenge and justice for his father. It’s hurting his fiancé, but he marches on regardless.

The mood continues to remain depressive. Cara sends for the doctor.

She doesn’t want to put up with another adult to take care of as she already has too much on her plate. Emma feels Jack has no need for her anymore.

While I had sympathy for the woman, it was the next line that caused all that to drain away. As Cara tries to give her tough love, she remarks back to her: “Become a mother before you lecture me about sons and what they do.”

That was the end of line of Cara. Such a snide comment was not warranted even in her hours of grief.

While Cara may not have a biological child, she is every bit a mother. You can sense that very clearly with how she talks about Spencer and how he talks about her.

When he finally arrives, I cannot wait to see the chemistry those two share. It goes to show that motherhood comes in many forms.

Some we are born into and some we are gifted with. Emma Dutton took her one life moments later.

Elsa reveals in narration that only four Dutton’s remain on the Earth to survive another generation.

"”Our family is condemned to journey. Journey from Ireland to escape poverty. Journey from Tennessee to escape war. Journey from Kentucky to offer salvation. Journey from Africa to seek vengeance.” -Elsa Dutton"

Spencer and Alexandra are on their last adventure together. This adventure is going to be a tough one to get home.

They tried to book a passage to America but there are no liners. They’ll have to take a liner to London first, but the wait is too long.

Spencer has to find a way to get them there faster. He knows the family can’t hold out that long.

He’s made them wait long enough.

1923 Season 1 Episode 5 recap – Karma came for the sisters but it comes at a price

Teonna is now on the run after killing both nuns that hurt her. She did so, probably in the hope that they could no longer hurt any of the other girls.

Unfortunately, that was not the case. Father Renaud tried to get answers from her best friend but it was to no avail.

She was beaten for answers, but it was answers she did not have. Sebastian Roche plays Father Renaud in such a bone chilling performance.

He’s masterful, and simply frightening in this role. Sadly, it was the end of the the line for the young girl.

It saddens me that Teonna will have to carry that guilt for the rest of her life. Father Renaud has his people go search for her.

He wants her back, and that means death. She finds a stream with water and that is one thing keeping her alive.

She may not have food, but she can never go back. Now she has to battle the elements of nature, which can be cruel.

Some help finally comes for Teonna when a fellow Native American comes upon her. She explains where she’s from and why she ran.

He tells her she shouldn’t come home, that’s the first place they will look.

When she reveals she is Teonna Rainwater, he immediately knows the name. He was once in a school to reform as well.

She emotionally tells him she killed the nuns who beat and raped her. In a moment of understanding the man, Hank, offers his hand and to send word to his father.

1923 Season 1 Episode 5 recap – Slow your roll young gun

Jacob knows they can’t win without a leader. Jack wants to lead, but he doesn’t know what he’s doing as he’s not experienced enough.

If things keep going this way, they are going to lose everything. Jack is severely focused on his revenge, and it will be his downfall if he’s not careful.

He’s paid more the cost of anyone, but Jacob tells Cara to keep him close. Jacob wants Cara to take the reigns.

He wants her to be the one to hire livestock agents. Jacob and Cara are starting to realize who Banner has in his back pocket.

He’s getting help from somewhere. Donald Whitfield’s plans for taking the entire valley are just beginning.

Elizabeth and Jack share their vows overlooking the mountains, before God. Though things keep getting in the way of their wedding, it doesn’t have to stop them from being husband and wife now.

This was after Elizabeth put her foot down to Jack’s recent behavior. She has lost just a much as him and they need to be in this together.

They’re all each other has now.

I believe Cara sees a little bit of herself and Jacob in Elizabeth and Jack. It’s a kind of young and unstoppable love.

1923 Season 1 Episode 5 recap – We have a life together, or we live our lives apart

You can tell Spencer has never had a lot of relationships as he keeps making terrible decisions. He knows that this journey is not fit for a woman.

It’s dangerous and the likelihood of getting out alive, doesn’t have the best odds. He believes going on his own and sending for her is a better option.

It’s met with what you would expect; sheer feisty behavior. The one thing I do love about all generations of the Duttons’ is how they love.

Not always so much who. When they love a woman, they love so strong even if they make the silliest decisions.

The love is felt, and it shows the kind of heart that is deeply imbedded in their genes. Alexandra reveals that he can send a message to his family through ships, a fact he did not know.

We see the big ship Mauretania. If you are familiar with the movie Titantic, Rose mentions the size of that ship in comparison to the Titantic.

And soon they are off on a tugboat, a vessel that really isn’t supposed to leave the harbor. It’s a rough ride against the torturous sea.

The sick captain doesn’t make past his first watch. Whatever was ailing him won the battle.

A ghost ship is coming close to marking the end of them, their journey, and the saviors that the Dutton family needs. Spencer is trying to steer the boat away, but the two ships are grinding together.

The larger ships pulls the tug boat under the water, and that’s what we are left with. Donald Whitfield acquired the Strafford Ranch and takes it upon himself to tell Cara.

His goal to meet with Jacob. The cattle business seems to be failing just as bad back then, as it is in the current day of the Yellowstone now.

But good things should be on the rise soon as Elizabeth and Jack will be having a baby and the next generation of the family will rise. However, Whitfield is counting on Cara Dutton to be so lost in running that ranch, that by spring she will beg him to buy it.

Little does he know who this woman is. She is a leader who is better than most men and stronger than them all.

The next episode will air February 12 on Paramount Plus. 

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