While the Disney Plus Star Wars series, The Mandalorian, introduced Marshal Cobb Vanth, it was his role in The Book of Boba Fett that had everyone talking. Cobb Vanth, played by Timothy Olyphant (Deadwood, Justified) was sought by Mandalorian Din Djarin, in the hopes, the previous owner of Boba Fett’s armor, would aid them in an upcoming fight.
Cobb politely declined, placing his duty to his people first. Not long after, he has a very intense and deadly encounter with bounty hunter Cad Bane.
As a result, audiences held their breaths, wondering if he survived what would normally be a killing shot. Keep in mind Bane isn’t a stormtrooper.
As the season finale of The Book of Boba Fett wraps up, we see Cobb in Fett’s bacta tank, as the man responsible for saving Fennec’s life by adding droid parts to her body, is seen hovering over him. Did Cobb survive?
Is Cobb Vanth returning?
If so, will audiences see him again? The Direct, shared the answer from the actor himself.
In an interview with TVLine, Olyphant was asked if Cobb would appear in The Mandalorian season 3. “Olyphant joked that “[they would] know that world better than [he does],” and how “if [he] knew anything, [he] wouldn’t say s%^&.”
Fair. Truthfully, we don’t see why he wouldn’t make an appearance.
While Cobb Vanth is a minor character and doesn’t appear as often as, let’s say Peli Motto, he easily made his mark well enough to warrant a return in The Book of Boba Fett. He might not have been an actual Mandalorian as Din Djarin had hoped, but he does have the skills, intellect and personality to fit in with the rest of the characters.
Even though Olyphant’s answer wasn’t definitive, we can appreciate that he’s not revealing anything. Thankfully, we only have to wait one more day before The Mandalorian season 3 airs on Disney Plus.
Would you like to see Cobb Vanth return? Share your answers in the comments below, we’d love to read them!