Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 10 recap “The Battle of Tianshang Part 1”

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Season 3. Rita Ora as Wandering Blade in Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Season 3. Cr. NETFLIX © 2023
Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Season 3. Rita Ora as Wandering Blade in Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Season 3. Cr. NETFLIX © 2023 /

It’s time to finally finish the mission, but it seems Sir Drake has other plans. In Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3 episode 10, Sir Drake refuses to allow Wandering Blade to escape imprisonment but the group might have a bigger threat to worry about.

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 10 recap – Colin joins the team

The Queen of England is far from happy to see Wanted posters hung about, especially of Po whom she had a fun game of chess with episodes prior. She orders Sir Drake to stop the mission of finding and arresting Wandering Blade.

Angered by her order, Sir Drake continues to do the exact opposite, starting with the arrest of Colin. Colin is stripped of his knighthood, about to face a lifetime in prison.

As Po and the group wander London, Wandering Blade sees Colin and the knights enter a pub. Because Colin had saved them, she wanted to return the favor, even though the rest of the group doesn’t really agree.

Blade avoids the difficult conversation she has to have with her mother regarding Alfie and busts into the pub. It is revealed, as I predicted, that Colin’s poems have been about Wandering Blade.

Knew it! After his rescue, Colin agrees to help Po and the group, but won’t necessarily join them.

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 10 recap – Finish the mission

Unable to truly avoid the important conversation she has to have with her mother, Wandering Blade comes clean. They shouldn’t bring Alfie back.

Surprisingly, her mother takes the news fairly well, trusting her daughter’s decision. As the group manages to find their way back to the entrance within the catacombs, Sir Drake and his knights aren’t far behind.

In the fighting, Wandering Blade and her mother manage to get ahead but Sir Drake is still pursuing them. The next couple of segments include Blade using her brother’s sword to deflect arrows from Sir Drake’s crossbow however, she loses the Tianshang weapons in the process.

Po and the group attempt to get them back, all the while Sir Drake is continuing his hunt of Wandering Blade.

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 10 recap – Things get worse

The fast paced, anxiety ridden episode continues until Sir Drake gets the upper hand on the whole group. In a moment of selflessness, Colin is hit with an arrow, saving Wandering Blade.

Rest assured he’s not dead, only wounded, but Sir Drake appears to win it all when suddenly purple glowing branches from the world encase him. He is thrown into the world, far away from the group, which makes me wonder if he’s actually gone for good.

But just when you think the group might finally get the upper hand, we find out that Veruca is the one behind the branches, as several pieces of the floating land contain plants that she can control… Yeah this doesn’t look very good for our heroes.

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 10 review

Phew, ok, how do I really dissect this? As mentioned above, this felt like a fast paced, exciting episode with a whole lot of anxiety.

Considering this is a kids show, I don’t expect main characters to die however, I also know they are not indestructible either. Was I worried, even for half a second, that Colin was going to die, absolutely.

Did I think Wandering Blade might die and then the group would find a way to resurrect her? Yes, I did.

Thankfully that was not the case, at least not yet. Was Sir Drake killed?

Would I sound horrible if I said I hope so? As much as I knew Veruca would have to arrive at some point, I never expected it to be at that exact moment.

To me, that is how you know a show and story is written well. When you have the audience so involved, watching intently, absorbing every second of it, being distracted to the point they completely forget about another variable that has yet to come into play, you know you did good.

Overall, I really liked this episode a lot. It kept me on the edge of my seat and brought out the proverbial “Oh no” when Veruca showed up.

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What did you think of Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 10? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

You can watch Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3 on Netflix.