Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 14 recap “The Master Key”

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Season 3. (L to R) Rahnuma Panthaky as Rukhmini, Melissa Villaseñor as Akna, Jack Black as Po, and Rita Ora as Wandering Blade in Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Season 3. Cr. NETFLIX © 2023
Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Season 3. (L to R) Rahnuma Panthaky as Rukhmini, Melissa Villaseñor as Akna, Jack Black as Po, and Rita Ora as Wandering Blade in Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight: Season 3. Cr. NETFLIX © 2023

Now that Po and Wandering Blade have a plan, they have to find Akna and Rukmini, but this mission may be more difficult than intended. In Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3 episode 14, we find out what’s become of our quirky and creative heroes.

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 14 recap – Akna

Now that Po is back from his negative funk, it’s time to get the gang back together. He and Wandering Blade decide the best course of action is to split up.

Po searches for Akna, returning to Tikal, where he bumps into some old friends. Although the city looks to be thriving, perhaps better than ever, there are some very obvious changes, one of which is the dead soldier keeping watch.

Under Alfie’s new rule of new Pangea no violence of any sort will be tolerated, even if it’s in good fun. This has affected, in this case specifically, how games are played.

Quite literally the opening of the episode reveals two owls playing chess when they begin to argue. Their tussle alerts one of these dead soldiers to arrive and take care of them without the intervening of the Queen’s knights.

So, it’s safe to say, these dead soldier guards mean business. When Po finds out that no one has seen Akna, he fears the worst.

Going up to the volcano where they first met, he prepares a memorial, but alas Akna isn’t dead. After he finds her in one of her rock spider creations, she flees.

Po chases after her in another rock spider creation until they crash. Akna admits she’s been hiding from the dead soldier guards but most of all feels as though she can’t trust anyone anymore.

She had trusted Alfie and look what happened. Po understands but shows her how his Tikal friends have come to the rescue when the dead soldier guard attacks.

They come together and defeat the dead soldier guard. But is it gone for good?

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 14 recap – Rukmini

Wandering Blade, meanwhile, travels to Raipur to find Rukmini. She does find Rukmini; however, she’s avoiding the inevitable.

A simple task of needing to deliver food, turns into a surprise birthday party for Rukmini where her friends throw her a big party. Throughout the episode Rukmini continues to delay leaving as she celebrates her birthday by partying, opening presents, which is really just returning stolen items to those she stole them from, having a big meal and even dessert.

Wandering Blade becomes increasingly impatient, knowing that they need to leave so they can prevent the end of the world. By the time Rukmini is about to provide Blade another excuse regarding dessert, Blade outright declares Rukmini to be selfish.

But it doesn’t take long for Wandering Blade to really look at the bigger picture. Rukmini is celebrating her birthday, possibly for the last time with those she considers her family.

When Rukmini is ready to go Wandering Blade stops her. She rather her stay home with her family.

Rukmini argues it is because of her family that she wants to fight.

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 14 recap – The Master Key

Now that the group is all back together, Po shares his plan with them. As mentioned in the previous episode, they need to a way to contact all the ancient masters by use of the Master Key.

They will be needing Klaus’ help, but even they aren’t sure he’s going to want to get involved. What’s worse is that Po made a pretty bad impression with one of the dead soldier guards.

Upon reporting back to Alfie, he seems deeply confused and troubled as to why his sister, Wandering Blade, would be getting involved with Po and what his plan might be.

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 14 review

As much as this episode showed for the first time how new Pangea will become under Alfie’s rule, it didn’t quite capture my attention as episodes prior. Again, it was nice to see minor characters from previous seasons but overall, the episode felt like it dragged on with really no pay off.

Even Akna’s reason for not wanting to be around Po didn’t seem to really fit her completely over the top reaction. Same can be said for Wandering Blade’s reaction of Rukmini wanting to celebrate her birthday.

But now that the gang is back together, except for Colin, they can get on the same page and search for Klaus.

What did you think of Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3, episode 14? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

You can watch Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight season 3 on Netflix.