Last Friday the biggest moment of the year came for General Hospital. I think I can speak for everyone and even outsiders of the show, when I say “FINALLY!”
The audience for General Hospital had been dying to see the sizzling relationship between Spencer and Trina go to the next level. And though these two never needed sex to become an official couple, it was a part of their history that just had to happen.
Especially for their unwavering support of Sprina fans. Trina and Spencer have been through the wringer.
When Spencer returned to Port Charles, he had no idea his heart would be stolen from the moment he met eyes with Trina. The man was only back to cause havoc for his then stepmother Ava Jerome, and to try and rekindle what relationship he had left with his father.
The intent was malicious as he teamed with his current evil girlfriend Esme Prince. But as time went on, he could not deny what he was feeling with Trina.
She changed him in an unimaginable way that only true love could.
General Hospital: Why was the road so long for Trina and Spencer?
The two have battled so many obstacles throughout the year including Spencer’s jail stint for threatening and harassing Ava. Trina was then framed by Esme for the sex tape of Joss and Cameron and on trial, her life was on the verge of being over.
Of course, Spencer would not stand idly by and watch that happen. He devised a plan to trap Esme and free his future girlfriend.
Since that moment it has been one big hurdle after another. Between drama with his father and uncle, drama with Trina’s family not liking Spencer, and the recent escapades of Esme trying to hinder Spencer and Trina from spending more time together by using his brother Ace; fans weren’t sure when we ever going to see Sprina finally make love.
It has been difficult to watch Esme and Spencer raise his father’s child together with Sprina often on the outside looking in. But here’s what you need to remember, without the influence of Trina, Spencer never would have become the kind of man who could put his selfishness aside and do what is right for his family.
They are attributes that I wish Nicholas Spencer still had. Trina has always been Spencer’s biggest supporter, even in moments it hurt to watch.
It shows the undying love he has for his brother and the amount of turmoil he will go through to keep his family safe. From the bratty, intelligent rich kid to a protector who now is a man of honor.
And yes, remember that, Portia. Trina actress Tabyana Ali sat down with SoapHUB to talk about the huge moment between Spencer and Trina when they took their trip to New York City and had the date of a lifetime.
"“It was shocking to see how far Spencer and Trina have come in their relationship. It’s been very up and down and tumultuous, at times. They’ve finally been given their alone time, they’re happy…I don’t want to say ‘happy ending’. It’s not the ending. But they were able to do this together.”"
I think that it speaks volumes how General Hospital laid out the welcome mat for these two to take their relationship to the next level. I am really glad the writers did these two justice and made their first time a moment to remember.
They deserved nothing less. These are things that often happen with turn of the century couples like themselves.
And it wouldn’t be right if we didn’t mention Nicholas Chavez, the great actor for Spencer Cassadine. He has always been their biggest supporter from day one and I expect many more Emmys for his role in the future, along with the glowing Tabyana Ali.
The king wasted no time giving his thoughts on what happened with General Hospital’s best couple.
— Nicholas Alexander Chavez (@nicholasachavez) September 29, 2023
If there is one thing we are going to talk about, it’s representation. And Tabyana spoke on just that:
"“Representation is important. People like to feel included. They want to know they’re not the only one in a situation. To see it played out on a show like this makes people feel included.”"
The actress went on to talk about how it hasn’t always been the norm that interracial couples have been included in television. And even to this day, it still garners some hate from rabid fans.
"“To go from (where we once were) to now is such a big, mind-blowing thing. Some people still don’t want interracial relationships. Seeing Sprina together is a beautiful thing. It’s something that can be accepted.”"
Hate is something we see far too often in couples of this magnitude, and it should never happen in the first place. Sadly, Sprina is not the first couple, as even Rick and Michonne on The Walking Dead have been met with hate.
Both couples have been called boring, lack chemistry, are better with others, or are better off alone. Those are common phrases and a trend that happens too much in television.
If you watch Sprina and think their dynamic is anything but beautiful, chalked full of emotional and sexual chemistry, I do not know what you’re watching. Maybe you should hit rewind and watch again.
In the General Hospital fandom Sprina has often been met with some hate, and so have their loyal fans. There is some unhealthy competition between a certain couples’ fanbase, but this moment was such poetic justice that Sprina fans deserved.
You guys hung in there and were rewarded beautifully. Good things come to those who wait.
I will say this, Tabyana Ali and Eden McCoy are the best of friends. The rivalry that some of Eden’s fanbase have with Sprina’s has not gone unnoticed.
Both ships can be celebrated! Tabyana let Sprina fans know that no matter what happens between these two, don’t lose faith. All power couples go through ups and downs before finding their way back together again.
She reminds fans that the same thing happened with Luke and Laura, but let’s hope Spencer and Trina have a much happier endgame than they did. We hope Spencer and Trina can continue this blissful ride into their long-awaited future.
But as always in Port Charles trouble lurks around the corner but this sensational couple has proven time and again, they are stronger than any storm that embarks on their path. Luke and Laura who?
Find your local listings for General Hospital on ABC and tune in to find out what comes next for the future of soap opera greatness.
What has been your reaction to Spencer and Trina’s relationship? Let us know in the comments below!